I never really thought about it, but your absolutely right, it’s a whole different experience when you play bit by bit over the course of a year or two instead of in one sitting like watching a movie. When you play over a long period the characters become more than a pretty piece of 3d art, especially when a game is well written like Haleys story or AL. You become attached, you start to feel for them, like them, hate them, love them. Also, you begin to put yourself in the MCs shoes, feel what he feels. It’s no longer “I understand why the MC hates mr klaus” it’s “I hate mr klaus”.
When the AL twist happened those of us who had been playing from the start, felt connected to the characters, it was like we where forced to watch a close friend die. We felt angry, we felt betrayed and we ranted. However, had I played AL as a completed game in one go the emotional connection wouldn’t have had time to develop, it would have just been some random plot twist. I wouldn’t have been upset; I would have just thought it was a bit lame.
I think it’s a testament to the skill of the writers when those twist can spark so much emotions in so many people. Having said that, I do prefer when these games cater to our happier emotions. After all, I play this as nice little escape from reality. If I wanted to fell angry or upset, I’d watch the news.