The way I see it, after the bathroom scene & then her script for the night (and all the teasing leading up to it), Haley worried that MC might see her as a bit of a slut, so she mentioned her small number of partners as a defence.
As has been stated elsewhere, it was MC who pushed for more details.
We don’t know any where near enough about her relationship with Klaus to make judgement.
How did Haley view it at the time?
Who initiated?
Did either party resist?
How did it develop?
All we know is that it happened.
It is taboo & probably (depending on location) illegal.
But the same could be said for sleeping with your sister…
I know that when I have talked to people about my own similar experience, most people have gone to some lengths to convince me that it was wrong & that I was taken advantage of & victimized.
It certainly did not feel like that from my position.
There was no coercion or pressure.
There was no extended grooming.
What started as a stupid prank had unintended consequences.
Bear in mind that this occurred in the UK approx. 30 years ago.
I was, to put it bluntly, a nerd.
I had, up to that point had 2 “girlfriends”, but never advanced beyond holding hands or hugging on the sofa.
Not counting being breastfed as a baby, I had never seen or touched a naked boob.
I was forever trying to get in with the popular crowd.
They would frequently push me to do stupid or embarrassing stuff for their amusement.
Like a twat, I normally complied.
I’m sure most of you have either been, or known “that guy”.
My maths teacher (Let’s call her Miss G) was also the “responsible adult” at our swimming lessons.
The dare was that I creep up behind her & dig my fingers into her ribs to make her jump.
Due to the water, or me being clumsy, or whatever, I missed & ended up grabbing a handful.
I was mortified & fled the scene.
A couple of days later, we had maths as last lesson before lunch.
Miss G asked me to remain behind at the end of class.
She wanted to discuss what had happened.
I tried to explain that it was not what I had planned.
Then it got a little “twilight zone”.
She asked if I had liked it & if given the opportunity, would I do it again?
Things quickly escalated at this point & we ended up having sex in the class room.
So I made the first move at the swimming pool.
She was completely in charge in the class room.
But again, there was no pressure (beyond a teenager’s perverted mind that couldn’t believe his luck!).
Every step of the way, she was asking “Do you want to?” or “What would you do if I…?”
With hindsight, I don’t believe she ever expected me to say no to any of what was happening, but at the time, I did seriously think about “What if I say no?”
The point is, does Haley feel that was taken advantage of?
With the given information, I have to say no.
Objectively, was she taken advantage of?
We simply don't know enough to comment yet.