
Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
A lot of people nowadays are absolutely stupid. I recently read something about obesity is anti black and people who criticize jews (not even insult, just criticize) are racists. That should tell you enough about the state of a lot of things and people.
Take a look at the thread and reviews since last update, some people are really triggered. If the end of the game is something like Acting Lessons this gonna be an epic shitstorm :whistle:


Dec 18, 2018
My thoughts on Last update

1) Logic gaps and changes in Games logic

Start by saying we are in a thread about a game its main theme Is an inctestuous relationship between siblings. Its by default an extremely rare case in real life, but bringing it us As an argumenent and comparing rarity and degrees of depravity of cases between incest and rape or abusive behavior isnt even an arguement.
The nature of the game was known from Start and the rarity of the relationship or how Fucked up the nature of it or of the participants Is in real life terms, Is by default not an arguement.

In fact that Is what made this game unique. Talking an extremely rare case in real life, and an extremely common case in porn Games and presenting it plausible. In a way that seemed to make sense without portraying the protagonists As perverts.

The frame of the story was the most simplistic one. Two siblings living together in a New city, having their first job. Making friends, hanging out, dealing with everydays common issues.

What made this simplistic common story unique was the dialoques. The story was writer driven untill previous update. In a way that showed consistent characters without leaving logic gaps.

Untill the Last 2 updates.

Do i find logic gaps in Last updates? Having As base the way the game was dev untill 0.50 for sure. But the way the story Is driven has changed 100%.

Dev decided to introduce in story extremely rare and uncommon cases.
A statutory rape case Is a rare one. A case between a 15 years old girl and a 48 years old teacher Is even more rare. The victim of such a case not coming to realization through time on her own that she was exploited Is even more rare. The above girl revealing to her long pursued love interest the case just after they had sex for the first time Is even more rare.

Having 40% of the females you know or 100% of the ones you usually hang out being raped or sexually abused Is a rare case.

Security guarding bjs in school toilets for a 5 usd fee out of every 20usd bj Is a rare case.

A typical dad knowing his beloved son, who he encourages to be sexually adventurous, brought a girl in his room during his one night homestay and not brag about it or bring it up to a disqussion Is a rare case.

Everything that Is thrown Into a scenario can be justified in a way afterwards. But the thing Is that when throwing one rare case after another the boundaries of logic and common sense are stretched to the extreme.

And justification of extremely rare and uncommon cases Is by default extremely rare and uncommon. Even more whens these cases are revealed one after another in Last updates.

2) Main problem with Last updates.

The frame of the game Is 100% changed in Last updates. From a simplistic one to the most complexed one devfined by the revelation of one extremely and unplausible case after another.

A story that was 100% writers driven (in a simplistic story frame) , has transformed Into a 100% complexed story frame driven one with the writing and the dialoques being naive common and simplistic.

Now the story keeps evolving by constant revelations or plot twists while the writer who was the main asset and the True protagonist of the story just tries to keep up, justifying extremely rare cases in a meaningfull way, while also having to pull out dialoques lines for dad being an idiot wearing a jacket indoors mid summer or blankets and food appearing out of nowhere.

A 100% viitgames story transformed Into a 100% stereotypical ptolemys one, while the team that Is responsible of coding, rendering and game production Is doing a poor job.

OK. We forgot proofreading, some renders are wrong(viitgames will try to justify them), we mixed the story brancing, or forgot to render and script an aditional scene needed for those who didnt fuck Adriana. (Too busy developing or codeveloping 5 Games at the same time).
Who gives a fuck? Just release it.

Long John Silver

A Festival of Conviviality
Aug 21, 2018
I don't have any issue with rape appearing in the story. Traumatic events when done properly can be hard hitting and lead to a much more engaging story with more multidimensional characters.

It's clear Haley hasn't come to terms with the event which is completely understandable, especially as she was only 15 when it happened. Additionally it seems she told her Mother, which then caused a rift in their relationship. Again, it's understandable that she has taken a long time to tell her brother, fearing the same might happen to their relationship.


The way the event was revealed was poorly done; previous sexual assaults don't often make their way into pillow talk, especially just after the first time together. Haley steered the conversation to that event, admitted knowing that it would upset/anger the MC and continued anyway, then just peaced out, letting the reveal fester with the MC. That, coupled with her seduction of MC as soon as he gets a stable relationship, her treatment of Sandra/MC's relationship, the ex girlfriend prostitute reveal, and her other behavior makes her appear incredibly manipulative. Whilst no characters are perfect, her persistent manipulative character, for me, is inherently unlikable.

There are lot of people here who are using straw man arguments to say that people dislike the game because of some NTR fallacy, or people don't understand sexual assault, or people don't understand people. It's none of that, I just plain don't like the writing or the characters, which only seem to be worsening as time goes on. "DoN't pLaY iT tHeN" - I'm not going to.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
Take a look at the thread and reviews since last update, some people are really triggered. If the end of the game is something like Acting Lessons this gonna be an epic shitstorm :whistle:
Depends on the turn and the characters I guess, but a few seem to be already pretty butthurt here.

Yeah but it can't be mutual when it's with an under-age person. She can't consent if she's below the age of consent.
The idea of "Let's fuck" can be mutual, it would just be a problem in a juristic sense. The moral point of view is debatable.

Neutral stance? Lmao what? Haley is terrified of her brother leaving her, she wouldn't lie. You don't go to the nearest park to fuck a kid in a moment of weakness. Cheat on your wife with an adult woman? Sure. Fuck an underage girl you're supposed to teach? No.
That's what you see, I had the impression that she's unsure about everything, if it'll work out, what they should do, how they should handle things and if they can do that at all, but I don't see her as terrified and I don't suspect that it was a logic situation they were in, especially since it doesn't seem like it was an affair type of thing, but more like a heat of the moment hook up.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Nothing that's happened in the actual story so far has surprised me as much as the number of players who apparently didn't realize this was, first and foremost, an incest game.
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Active Member
Dec 27, 2016
all what i understanded is that maybe haley using her brother as a sex material, no more. klaus did really left a big hole in haley, the way she told mc to say sush things as you are mine and stuff.

so... the weired thing and the question is why her brother of all ? she has a boyfriend.

maybe she's still in contact with klaus and he's enjoying corrupting her by tellin her to fuck mc ?

maybe because she was under-aged, klaus used her and dumped her and she couldn't get over him. so she saw redemptien on MC ?

the mother's behaviour may explein that she maybe knowed and forced haley to stop relationship between klaus and haley and that might be the answer of questioning her sanity.

anyways... i enjoyed being "the mistress" of the office lady and yeah... the old bruise in her belly might explein that she's also got abused since this game is all about female rape victims.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Nothing that's happened in the actual story so far has surprised me as much as the number of players who apparently didn't realize this was, first and foremost, an incest game.
The game is called Haley's Story and these people want to be able to avoid Haley. :unsure:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
The fact that she's the titular character means that the game will be about her. If one finds her unlikable, it would seem to be the very definition of insanity to continue to play a game with her in the central role, as that titular character designation hasn't changed. "Geez, I really can't stand that fucking Frodo, so I'm going to read the next two books and hope he's not in them."

Incest is relevant because there are a bunch of people upthread complaining that they've unexpectedly found themselves in an incest game, which should've been apparent from the very beginning. The MC is the titular character's twin brother. What did they think the game was going to be about, farming?


I think that Haley is not telling the (whole) truth.

There are several indications:
- "Only" two previous sex partners, but she "fucks a lot"? Why that comment?
- She didn't fuck a guy she liked (Nick) but did fuck a guy for whom she felt "pity" (Mr. Klaus) and another guy she doesn't like (present BF), all while having a crush on her brother?
- She consistently denies that her relationship with Mr. Klaus was wrong but still avoids the subject
- What's going on between Haley and Mom? And what's the role of Dad?
- The story about the school toilet: why?

So I think she may be lying about several things in her past. Maybe it was "worse" than we are led to believe, but maybe it was also "better". Maybe she's trying to retroactively compete with her brother in promiscuity. She sees him having success with the opposite sex, while all she got was a loser boyfriend and an abusive teacher. Therefore she tries to one-up the MC by exagerrating her own sexual history, only to see it blowing up in her face, but now she can't go back anymore...

Just an idea, future updates will tell.... ;)

Long John Silver

A Festival of Conviviality
Aug 21, 2018
The fact that she's the titular character means that the game will be about her. If one finds her unlikable, it would seem to be the very definition of insanity to continue to play a game with her in the central role, as that titular character designation hasn't changed. "Geez, I really can't stand that fucking Frodo, so I'm going to read the next two books and hope he's not in them."
Unfortunately then, as with most critique of a game (or any media), it's met with:
"DoN't pLaY iT tHeN" - I'm not going to.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
I think that Haley is not telling the (whole) truth.

There are several indications:
- "Only" two previous sex partners, but she "fucks a lot"? Why that comment?
- She didn't fuck a guy she liked (Nick) but did fuck a guy for whom she felt "pity" (Mr. Klaus) and another guy she doesn't like (present BF), all while having a crush on her brother?
- She consistently denies that her relationship with Mr. Klaus was wrong but still avoids the subject
- What's going on between Haley and Mom? And what's the role of Dad?
- The story about the school toilet: why?

So I think she may be lying about several things in her past. Maybe it was "worse" than we are led to believe, but maybe it was also "better". Maybe she's trying to retroactively compete with her brother in promiscuity. She sees him having success with the opposite sex, while all she got was a loser boyfriend and an abusive teacher. Therefore she tries to one-up the MC by exagerrating her own sexual history, only to see it blowing up in her face, but now she can't go back anymore...

Just an idea, future updates will tell.... ;)
I think most of those are easily explained.

- She has only had sex with 2 people, but she fucked them a lot (maybe one more than the other). "Fucks a lot" doesn't necessarily mean she "Fucks with a lot of people".
- Yes, she may have liked Nick but she didn't have sex with him. She was manipulated into sexing Klaus. She obviously at one point liked her BF, or else she wouldn't have made him her BF. None of that has anything to do with the crush on her brother, she obviously was conflicted about that and she obviously wouldn't just say "Hey bro, wanna fuck".
- She was manipulated, she probably blames herself for it.
- The parents might know about it, dad is protective so he is nicer to her and the mom blames her so she is mean.
- I think thats just a random story.
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Being a titular character doesn't absolve them of being inherently unlikable. Nor do I see what being an incest game has anything to do with it.
If people don't like her character, fine, but to think that you can avoid having any sexual interactions in an adult game with the character for whom this game was named after is lunacy of the highest order. Two basic thought processes failed to occur for these people:
  1. An adult game with the name of a character in the titlle either means you're playing as that character or are going to have sex with that character.
  2. Since the MC is the brother of the titular character, this means they're going to have sex, therefore incest.
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Jun 2, 2017
Impliyed where? She told about all of her sexual life in the 0.55 update, she wasn't the one giving head in the WC.
In the part where she talk about it combine with the conversation with Nick and the talk about the teacher I personally get the impression that she is piece by piece revealing they things she did to avoid/distract herself from her attraction to the MC, she SAYS it wasn't her but I personally get the impression that it was her and that the Mom both knows what she did and why she did it.

Hence why its IMHO and not a statement of objective fact, this is what I got from the interaction and dialog, the problem with "revealing secrets" is that it makes me question whether the "reveal" is honest, once a liar always a liar and to lie by omission is a thing.

This is ultimately the core of my issue, she not a "new" person and she has been hiding things for years, it would be one thing if she was openly promiscuous or a new acquaintance with an unknown past but too have hidden it from MC for years makes her untrustworthy In My Personal Opinion causing me to doubt her claim that it wasn't her in the WC.

Its why Sandra not telling the MC of her past is a non-issue, shes "new" and what happened before meeting is history but that doesn't apply with Haley because it wasn't "history" when it happened and the MC was there.


Jun 2, 2017
So if a woman who has multiple sexual partners is a used bike, what does that make a guy who has multiple sexual partners?
Should he be regarded as a used up form of transport by women or do you think it's OK for men but not for women?

God, this kind of outdated, misogynistic way of thinking really makes my blood boil. :mad:
When did I say that it OK for men but not women? did you not read the bit about how I also got the bug where if you go with Adriana without being in a relationship it treats it as if you where in one?

If you are promiscuous male or female you are the community bike, my brother was a total man whore that would stick his dick in anything he could and I never agreed with it or did it myself even turning down his numerous offers to "set me up with sluts" because that is not what I like.

Now, having had multiple partners is the used car in that analogy but "fucking around" and giving blow jobs for cash is a community bike because "everyone's had a ride", their is nothing wrong with this in itself, if it is what you agreed to but if you find out after the fact that its not just a few ex-partners but a train of Johns then it is different because its a lie by omission.

To use the car analogy again, its one thing is the seller is honest about the miles the car has done its another if they've fucked with the odometer to mislead you on its mileage.

But ignoring all that I don't really give a single fuck if it make your blood boil, good and evil, right and wrong are in just social constructs with no evidence of them being objective universal truths, so the rightness or wrongness of an action is relative to the values of the individual and society.

Human beings are animal and all animals are biological self-replicating machines, humans as organic machines ware down over time, its why tilers get fucked knees and bricklayers fucked backs, at the end of the day life itself is just a self propagating chemical reaction powered by the sun.
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Jun 2, 2017
Jesus Christ, that's dumb! Have you any earthly idea just how difficult it is for victims of sexual abuse to tell someone about it, let alone a member of their own family? Do you honestly believe there would have been a moment, in their entire lives leading up to that moment, where Haley would just tell him, "hey, my first time was with my married male tutor when I was 15 who may or may not have pressured me into it"? The only reason she told him about was because, after having just had sex with each other for the first time, she was telling him how much better it was than her first time. When the hell would it have been appropriate for her to tell him about her first time before they were sexually active with each other?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, some people on this thread really don't know the first thing about people.
Can only go from personal experience and when my cousin (mothers brothers daughter) was abused by her step father everyone in the family knew about it, just like when my other cousin (fathers sisters daughter) was abused by the neighbour everyone in the family knew about it.

Other cousin (mothers sisters son) in rehab? everyone knows, sisters abortion? everyone knows, my uncles "not daughter" aka the daughter from a fling that he wants nothing to do with, everybody knows, some people don't accept the idea secrets in the family for any reason, a lie by omission is still a lie.
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