The "Klaus stuff" happens in the real world as well, more than you would think.
But in the case of this game and Haley, we so far just know it did happen, from what Haley said. And then the crowd goes wild and yell rape. While the MC get filled with anger and want to seek up this Klaus fellow.
Last year of high school. Our teacher in social studies fell ill and we got a temp that was right out of school himself just about. Looking back I would claim some of the girls in class did show more interest in him than what was healthy tbh. Now this Klaus fellow is a lot older character, but age doesn't really limit someone from connect.
If a guy nail his teacher. What a stud... if a girl does the same.. oh poor rape victim... Maybe we should just wait and see how the story unfold before go all nuts about it.
For me personally (and I'm fully aware that my thinking is outdated in modern times), there is a difference in how men and females perceive sex.
Most people will acknowledge, (or conventional wisdom) that for men sex is a more pure physical pleasure. While for woman, there is a bit more of emotional attachment in sex. The results can be seen in the demand for prostitution, differences between male and female centered porn. Just look at the average users of this site.
This is by no means the same for everyone, I acknowledge that. But it does change my perspective on difference in sexes when it comes to teachers having sex with under age kids. Yes, both are bad, but I do feel that most boys (not all!!) will not be traumatized by having sex with their teachers, but I feel that the percentage of girls (especially at 15) is more open to abuse. A Girl in a woman's body.
This is just my personal opinion, but I have zero respect for a male teacher sleeping with High School girls.
Female teachers does not get a pass, but I'm willing to bet my house that most boys would be over the moon in sleeping with a teacher. (Again not all)
That is why I have an intense dislike for Mr. Klaus, even if it were not illegal.
Feel free to call me a sexist.