For those who made the choices that got the Victor/MC conversation (which I had to go
way back in the game to trigger),
I think it's too early to tell who was the victim in a story Victor's quite mysterious about. I lean towards something involving Sandra as well, but I'm in no way sure about that. As an example of letting complex adults be even more complex adults, I approve of this development. People who wanted their uninterrupted lighthearted fun will no doubt be disappointed, but I prefer rich characters.
Like some (not all) others, I'm more upset about Haley
specifically because I like her as a character. To me, this is a very different thing than liking Haley as a real-life person. I probably would, because I gravitate towards that personality type, but the manipulation and the selfishness-for-show would also grate on me. But the thing is, the story justifies them. She's not that way just because she can't help it or because she doesn't care. She's got buried secrets and hidden desires, she knows they're taboo (more clearly in one case, less clearly in the other), and she's trying to work out how to get what she wants while also trying to hide from the world. She also doesn't, as a rule (with occasional exceptions), treat people other than the MC like that, which makes sense. She
should be complicated. She
should be full of contradictions. And she's nowhere near done yet. She still has some major shit to work out — with her brother, with her mother, regarding Klaus — and I genuinely don't understand that insistence that that's not interesting. It's only uninteresting if it's not done well, and no one on this forum has read the end of the story.
Would I have preferred a story without statutory rape? Yeah, as a decontextualized statement I would. But as I said at the time, it just raises the degree of difficulty. Simone Biles can do someone else's beam routine and do it perfectly. But she wants to do two things no one else has ever done. When she pulls it off, she's (more of a) legend. If she doesn't, at least she tried. Haley's Story isn't Simone Biles, but so far it's made incest work better than any game I've yet played. This despite the fact that I don't particularly enjoy incest games, as a rule, which is part of why I'm so impressed; I mostly find them to completely ignore what an actual incestuous relationship would entail, and this one never has. There's no way to know whether or not this was a deformative error until we see it played out. Games are not updates, stories are not chapters.
Just for my understanding the game never said what happend right ? we all got the same end in the hotel room?
No, there's another path in which Haley goes with Adriana and you hang out with Victor. Based on an old choice, though; you'll have to go back a few updates.
Maybe Haley and Adriana are having their own fun.
if you believe Haley's story to be true. (Nice reference to the title!!)
this is an interesting speculation. What if it's literal? I've opined, based on a lot of reasoning but utterly threadbare evidence, that Haley's seriously lying about her sexual past. What if
that's the "story" in the title? What if everything she said was an attempt to present herself to her brother as a sexual sophisticate when in reality she's very nearly a virgin? I mean, she's either had sex or took care of it herself, obviously, as there was no blood, but what if the rest is all made up? Klaus as a girl's fantasy. Jack who never got there, or who maybe only got there once or twice. Throwing her brother at all the hot women in their orbit and insisting that she's not only fine with it, she's enthusiastically supportive of it. We know she's built up a complex sexual fantasy involving her brother and she's been doing it since they were young. What if that's true of her entire sexual history?
Fascinating to think about, whether or not it's the case.
Just wondering What would you do to Klaus if you were in the Mcs shoes?
What Haley wanted me to do. Anything else is re-traumatizing her. That's why this isn't about Klaus and it isn't about the MC's rage over Klaus. This is about Haley. If Klaus raped her (whether it was "he didn't stop her" or "he groomed her" or something in-between, though if they had sex it's statutory rape either way), nothing can or should happen until Haley agrees with that interpretation. That's the hard work. Yes, there may be statutory limitations at work that might obviate legal solutions, depending on where the game decides it's taking place, but there are remedies other than legal. All the ragey ones, though, are just stupid. As in: the MC punches Klaus, the MC ends up in jail. How does that help Haley? It satisfies an atavistic urge in certain players, but that's a terrible justification. I seriously don't think it's going to be that easy or that simple.