I dont find any logical arguements refering and comparing to AL.I know of only two stories that have had two plot twists that fundamentally changed not only the direction of the story but also the essence of the story and in the case of Haley's Story the nature of the story. AL is the other story and in your comments it seems like you too agree that the story did not get better afterwards. So playing it at as a completed work, I don't think makes it better (at least in AL case.) I think it just lessens the impact of what is bad. In the case of HS, even if the development is handled well it won't change my opinion (and the opinion of some others) that it would have been better for this story to have remained a romantic comedy.
Someone posted in AL when the "incident" occurred that it was like Luke Skywalker killing himself in Empire Strikes Back. I was amused by that, a guy playing a computer porn game managing to work in a Star Wars reference. AL actually reminded me of the movie Fight Club. Fight Club is about two guys who start a club for men who get together to beat each other up. Half the movie is really good. The movie then has a plot twist that one of the men (Brad Pitt) is imaginary and only exists in the mind of the other man (Edward Norton.) The movie then shows Edward beating himself (the scene had been in the movie earlier but it had been shown as a fight between Ed and Brad.) The scene looks ridiculous as does any scene where a man beats himself up regardless of the movie. We are supposed to then believe that the guys who witnessed the scene of Ed beating himself up thought Ed worthy of being their leader. The movie then changes into a story about the members of Fight Club plotting to blow up banking buildings to erase the world's credit card debt. So I guess in real life if the Citibank Building burned down there are no back up records anywhere. At the time the movie got poor reviews for the plot twist. The movie became famous. Everyone knew the first rule of Fight Club. Today if you look at rating for Fight Club on Rotten Tomatoes it gets good scores from both critics and the public. Everyone saw it as a completed work, it's just now everyone knows about the plot twist lessening the blow.
AL Is the highest rated adult game ever. The turn of events in AL turned it from a great game to a unique masterpiece. It was a turn of events that was shocking and Hurtfull but all the clues leading to it or justifying it where Already scripted in the story. It tested the players-spectators feelings to the extreme, but not common sense or logic. Because it was a PLAUSIBLE event.
There Is a common thing that seperates masterpieces or unique Movies or Games (such As "sixth sense" or "million dollar baby)
from bs.
And that Is the PLAUSIBILITY of the event. A event that stretches the spectator feelings and not his logic to the extreme.
Returning to HS we have atm 2 out of 2 characters the MC Is romantically conected being raped or abused in the past (equals to 40% of every female character in story till now) Cases being revealed out of nowhere, and in the most defying common logic way. Between end of 0.55 to end 0.60, literally in one update.
Note the extend of sloppiness.
For the players that stayed in city there Is a direct reference the case involves Sandra. For the ones that went on the trip the direct reference Is that that the case involves Victor.
In the first scenario we have a wasted MC revealing the incident to a potential buddy, in the second one a sober MC reveals his Sister abusement to a sex partner, or even worse due to Bad coding or Bad story structure to a 3rd person he only has a typical relationship with.
Whats the remaining content in Last 2 upates?
2 sex scenes where the predescribed As a sub character haley Is the dom one.
A lot of idiotic gigs or wtf moments. The "i used to security guard bjs in school toilets for a 5 usd fee out of every 20usd bj" scene. The dad wearing a jacket indoors scene (in 0.60 MC Is refering to the weather getting colder cause end of summer Is aproaching. He then wears a sleeveless tshirt, then changes to a normal one, then Goes to the lake with a barelly dressed haley, who Goes skinny dipping!!!).
The magic food and blanket scene at the lake.
The forgoten panties scene treated not As a cliffhanger but As idiotic gig.
Note MC Is asking his dad about mr. Klaus and his dad barelly remembers him. And then mc Already knows where to search him or where to find him. Script a scene just to pull out an idiotic gig or a fake postponed cliffhanger that MC Is going to confront mr. Klaus in 0.60.
Rest of scenes akward dialoques or silence between Haley and MC. While the elephant Is constantlly present in the room.
Player have no option to the way MC adresses the issue when he does. The "you are wrong" approach Is forced by the Script.
How a brother or a lover would adress that issue in a logical way? Probably by not adressing it to the victim at all, before learnig some things about the psycological impact to the victims of such cases, or consulting an expert.
But on another level, while you fuck a girl he calls you John while you are named George.
Or she calls you "champ" while her ex was a pro Basketball Player. Or worst your girl calls you daddy probably cause the guy that abused her when 15 was a daddy figure.
You fucking adress that directy. "Cut it out or gtfo"
These are things that separate masterpieces from parody Beta drama material.
Its not the twists. It the game being transformed from a 100% writer driven one with a simplistic story frame, to 100% unrealistic constant revelation or gigs (defining the most complex story frame) driven one. While the writing has become simplistic.
Speaking of "character depth" MC Is mainly "clenching his teeth" in Last updates (when not staying silent, or not asking the wrong questions)
I can see him having no teeth at all if He continues this behavior pattern. Or preaging if He continues to stay silent or being cut off even in the most clear issues such Ass the "daddy" references.
So if dev continue to drag this out for the sake of drama (though its turning to parody) i can see pure drama or parody material coming up.
A Preaged MC, with Bad teeth condition, feeling miserable...
A perfect mr. Klaus clone.
Pure "i wanted to confort him" material.
Haley could then go full "daddy" Mode on him...
Sarcasm and trolling the dev Mode Hard on