The way I see it, "daddy" started as an indication that she wants him to be the dominant partner. When he expressed displeasure, it became a way for her to tease him. The "he he" comment supports this.
If it turns out that it it is related to Klaus, that puts a different perspective on it but I don't think we should automatically assume that is the case.
Lets make your arguement more clear in terms of storys progression.
A girl calls you daddy cause she wants you to be the dominant partner. She reveals just after having sex for the first time that when 15 had a sexual relationship with a 48 old dude. You ask her if the daddy issue Is related to that and she doesnt respond. She doesnt respond every time you ask her. Or denies to cut it of by constantly repeating it. And she does that cause she wants to tease you!!! And the MC who already thinks that his Sister was exploited and abused toggles his reactions to even "He.. Hes" cause he gets he Is being teased!!!
So i guess your True expectations Is that the dev backtracks from this. And that they will justify it in way you wont become uncomfortable even if the justification doesnt make any sense.
While remaining comfortable with the current content of the story waiting even a poor justification to seal your comfortablillity.
Let's just say that it is my hope that the developers may be backtracking on several issues in this story in order to salvage it. I believe if they go too far down a dark path they will lose even some of the people that now support them. I got the impression from previous posts that Ptolemy may have gotten rattled on Discord by the negative feedback. It may be that some modifications are being made which might explain why the last update was so short and why the Klaus incident was not addressed in any real way. I want to get to the other side of this with as little pain as possible. Who knows, perhaps the developers will change the story to Haley really be okay with the past events and it will just be MC who has to get over it. In real life it would be different. Haley might need counseling to cope with what happened to her. This is not real life, Haley feels whatever the dev.'s want her to feel. Basically, I just want this resolved in a way that I can stomach.
Same case here Mate. You clearly state you want devs to backtrack. The difference here Is you Already feel uncomfortable.
Some common points in both your arguments
1) Backtracking in a story makes the original content of the story problematic. Solid stories and solid writer dont backtrack.
2) Backtracking in a story Is the biggest aknowledgment of the importance and value of critisism. There Is Major inconsistency here in the first posters attitude and reactions towards critisism.
3) In both cases People have their understandings and their expectations about the story.
Someone argued before that "The story itself its utterly beyond the reach of most players"
I have never read i more faulted arguement.
Because good stories are always in reach of most players. Everyone May have his ownn expectations and understanding. And the majority of them meet in a common place, called common sense.
A quantum physics story Is a story beyond the reach of most People. Yet at the audience its oriented to Is utterly within their reach.
Last time i checked this Is a community about porn Games. And HS Is supposed to be a vanilla one.
The more "disturbed" a content of a story becomes the more the place called common sense is narrowed. Even more if the content Is made through a series of unfortunate highly inplausible events.
Its not a matter of intelligence. Everyone can understand that fucking a rape victim while you believe she Is addressing you the way she adressed her rapist Is a highly disturbed content.
If an escape route Is offered to the first of you, even a defining common logic one seems to be good enough for you, or an escape through Backtracking to the second one it will because the content of last updates was heavilly critisized.
Not because non critisizing random dudes quote one another. Including dudes that had to "get the memo" in order the fact that this Is a statutory rape case becomes within their reach.
Hope even not a native english speaker i am clear enough.