Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
Jack is the second, MC was the third.
Of course, if you are going in chronological order. But neither the original poster nor I were concerned about chronological order. I was responding to a poster who had mentioned two of Haley's lovers (Klaus and the MC), but also speculated about someone for the third lover. Hence, my use of 'third'.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2020
I dumped Sandra ASAP tbh. She was an annoyance to the real story anyway.
Huh, well in my playthrough, MC broke it off with Sandra too, but it wasn't because I don't like the character. I liked her quite a lot actually. She is easily one of the most attractive women in the game. It's clear that the artist liked her very much. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems that she is rendered with great care and attention to details. Her personality is is also engaging. I was okay with her holding off on sex for awhile. I've known enough women like that in my life who turned out to be worthwhile waiting for. I've also been involved with more than a fair share of women with psychological issues as well. When her OCD was revealed, I had a facepalm moment: Fuck! I can't even avoid the "crazies" in the games I play! :cautious: So that wasn't a deal-breaker. The only real red-flag for me was when she was promoted to an out of town office and couldn't make time for her boyfriend on her first weekend back. Ultimately though, in my mind, MC didn't break up with her for that either. His relationship with Haley was getting clearer and more serious and he was ready to start trimming some of his entanglements. The lack of availability was a convenient excuse.

I guess I understand if she isn't somebody's cup of tea, but I hope that other players would consider giving her a chance. She's definitely a slow-burn character. However, I have a feeling that patience could pay-off. Remember she says early on that she is down for "just about anything" if it's with the right person. That coupled with the sheer beauty of her renders could be nice path.



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
She is easily one of the most attractive women in the game. It's clear that the artist liked her very much.
Absolutely stunning.

I have a feeling that patience could pay-off. Remember she says early on that she is down for "just about anything" if it's with the right person.
I have no evidence for this other than a gut feeling, but having pursued both the solo Haley and Sandra plus Haley routes my gut tells me that the potential triad is the path to the "best" ending. I have plenty of saves, though, so we'll see.

hm.... still no final / complete tag yet?
I have no idea when the devs plan to stop, but there's still plenty to do if they wish. Klaus has to be dealt with, Haley's trauma has to be addressed, the issues between Haley and her Mom have to be solved, the MC and Haley have to decide what they're going to do about their relationship, they really need a proper office, and that's just for starters. In terms of relationships with other NPCs, the only ones that need resolving are Jack (gotta break up with him), Diane (are you or are you not going to keep having sex with her?), Adriana (are you going to keep having sex with your boss?), and Sandra (obviously a major relationship) if you're still on their routes; Lisa's not involved enough with the MC to need a resolution (though I think most players would like to see one anyway) and Alana's still just a fuck buddy. In terms of sex there's still plenty the MC and Haley haven't done. Especially, aside from a brief spanking, the stuff Haley keeps begging for.

On the other hand, I usually think story-heavy games end too soon — "OK, we checked off the anal box and had the threesome; time to wrap it up!" — so it's possible my preferences don't reflect other's.

cant wait to play sandra only route without bugs and error
You're never going to get a Sandra-only route. You're always going to be with Haley for a big chunk of the game. It's possible you might get a Sandra-only ending, but we'll have to see.

There are no bugs or significant errors now, or at least I can't recall any.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2020
Absolutely stunning.

I have no evidence for this other than a gut feeling, but having pursued both the solo Haley and Sandra plus Haley routes my gut tells me that the potential triad is the path to the "best" ending. I have plenty of saves, though, so we'll see.
Huh, clearly I have not messed around with the choices nearly enough. I wasn't under the impression that such a triad was even hinted at . . . Dammit, now I have to replay unless I still have an early enough preSandra breakup save . . .:unsure:

Also, I wondered if sexy time might be possible with Adriana, but it hasn't shown up in my play through yet . . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
I wasn't under the impression that such a triad was even hinted at . . . Dammit, now I have to replay unless I still have an early enough preSandra breakup save . . .:unsure:

Also, I wondered if sexy time might be possible with Adriana, but it hasn't shown up in my play through yet . . .
Adriana remains a possible beard if that's the way the game's going to go. There are pleny of opportunities to have sex with her prior to the current situation, though not all of them actually result in sex...

But people gave up on Sandra way too early. She really did change. She still has her OCD and such, but the game solidly justifies it and allows her to grow. And if you're on the Sandra + Haley route the triad is already in development.

This (not you) is sorta representative of my objection to so many respondents. "Sandra's so annoying; couldn't wait to kick her to the curb." Well, maybe you misjudged her. Especially when it turns out that her OCD is entirely related to the same sort of trauma that Haley suffered. And when she comes back she's pretty much the most devoted and loving girlfriend ever. One who's already willing to make out a bit with Haley.
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randos belgados

Active Member
Jan 11, 2019
You're never going to get a Sandra-only route. You're always going to be with Haley for a big chunk of the game. It's possible you might get a Sandra-only ending, but we'll have to see.
It's finished. We managed to deal with the animation issues. Hopefully it was worth it.
The story in this one is split into 2 completely different branches. One without Sandra and one with. So, if you're wondering where that, or the other scene is, It's on the other branch.
Android will be released a little later.
This is the first major branch in the game so far. There will be more in the future.
Also, we're trying to make a walkthrough. We think that will be ready next week.
That's it. Hope you enjoy it.
i think you're right, i didnt read the dev notes carefully.
guess cant ignore haley in this game.
welp. i think im done with haley. but still looking forward if the dev have another game without sudden "issue". im not against "daddy issue" itself, but least gives player some clue on the way.
Jul 29, 2017
Am I the only one who's guessed that the plot twist ending has everything to do with Haley having actually been abused by the father and not by this Mr. Klaus person? I mean.... what kind of mother severely distances herself from one of her children like that? Answer: a mother who's threatened by competition. The mother found out and hates her daughter for her "poor judgement". If she had been abused by the teacher, Mom woulda been rallying the troops, not gunning down the victim. Haley regularly refers to the MC as "Daddy" even though he regularly protests against it. Mr. Klaus and this step-child are a red herring for the audience. She was abused by Dad and that's why she isn't talking about it.

Edit: If this actually becomes true, I'll turn it into a spoiler.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Can't remember but the mom doesn't hate Haley, right? I thought she just favors the MC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Am I the only one who's guessed that the plot twist ending has everything to do with Haley having actually been abused by the father and not by this Mr. Klaus person?
Here's why I don't think so:

1) As you note, Haley has a good relationship with her father. With Klaus she's tried to take the blame herself, tried to ignore the issue, gotten angry at her brother for bringing it up, she was very clearly disturbed when she met Other Haley, she's still rattled whenever her brother tries to talk about it, she was never going to contact a therapist herself, and she wasted an entire therapy session by being Haley at her most evasive. Whereas she's obviously quite happy, even eager, to spend time with her father.

Haley's calm and balanced around people she doesn't feel threatened by: her brother, Lisa, Sandra, Diane, Victor, Simon, and her father. The only other time we've seen her act like this was when Adriana was being so hard on her; even though she was disgusted by Adriana's husband she actually planned to seduce him just to get back at her boss, which is an obviously insane idea.

That's a pattern of behavior. Klaus clearly rattles Haley, and I doubt it's because she hated math.

2) How her mother could "know" about Klaus (though we don't yet know if she does, or if so what she knows) and not do something about it remains an issue to be addressed. But it's not very difficult to justify: Haley begging and pleading with her mother to keep it secret, because the alternative — everyone knowing what happened — in what looks to be a fairly small town would've been doubling down on her trauma. Now, in the real world I'd of course say that something should've been done anyway...if for no other reason than to stop him from doing it to someone else...but this is fiction and the author gets to write the history. In any case, this is another delicate storytelling beat and they'll have to work hard to justify the decision.

Whereas I absolutely can't see their mother, at least as she's currently characterized, staying with a man who abused her daughter. She certainly wouldn't countenance Haley cuddling up to him on the sofa while watching soccer. That would make her an accomplice to...even an enthusiastic supporter of...the abuse, and that's an insane leap of logic vs. what we've been shown. Even if it was just about some nutty concept of competitiveness she'd be trying to keep Haley and her father apart. She doesn't. Not once.

So no, I don't think there's any chance that it's her father who's the true abuser.

Finally, "Daddy" is a D/s thing. Bog-standard terminology. That her brother doesn't get it is mostly because he doesn't crave it like Haley does. The best he's been able to do so far is use it for a little bit of play. Haley wants something much more intense, but unless he makes an earnest attempt it's probably not going to happen.

I think people conflate Haley's submissive brat persona and her desire to be dominated with the fact that she also has a complicated relationship with father figures. If her Mom's been treating her this way for a long while (whether or not Klaus was involved) and thus her only sources of emotional support were her father and her brother, that's part of it. Reread her early fantasies about her brother and it's clear that back then, even though they were the same age, she envisioned him in a protective and paternal role. Add Klaus to that mix and it's no surprise that she has "daddy issues," but that's not what's making her call her brother "Daddy" when she's trying to induce him to chain her to the bed and do naughty things.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
I don't think the parents know. Mainly because Haley seems to have rationalized it away. Even when she told the MC about it, she was saying as if she took the first step and called him a "lover."


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
Can't remember but the mom doesn't hate Haley, right? I thought she just favors the MC.
It's not simply about favoritism. She does held a grudge against Haley after all these years, most likely because of the Klaus thing and how she presented it at home, the same way she did to the MC originally.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
I don't think the parents know.
It's absolutely certain her father doesn't know because he had no reaction when the MC asked him about Klaus. But there has to be some reason for the way Haley's mother treats her.

This is another "if I was writing it" speculation, but her mother's behavior (then and now) could be explained this way: Haley wasn't lying when she said she made the first move on Klaus and her mother somehow discovered her flirting or something of that nature before it went too far; in that situation (and as long as Klaus didn't seem to be responding in kind) it would be natural for her mother to "blame" Haley for her behavior. But what she didn't know is that it went much, much farther on another occasion. That could be why she doesn't trust Haley's judgement but hasn't rained down hell on Klaus. If that's the way it went, revealing what actually happened could start a path towards reconciliation between Haley and her mother, though it'd be painful because her mother would blame herself for how she acted.

As I said, purely from my own mind...but it would fit what we know thus far.
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