
Active Member
Feb 4, 2019
Yeah, that's what I meant. Okay so the Dev has to request the tag? Interesting.
Ptolemy - key writer for Hailey and also dev for Alexandra/Intimate Relations - had to go to hospital & then recover for a while, hence the Dev request to put on hold
So about 2 months waiting... and about 5 min of new gameplay... that's a bit dissappointing.
Cut them some slack - given that Ptolemy is still getting back up to speed after hospital/recovery.


Engaged Member
Nov 21, 2019
What would I do to make this boring story much better? Haley she starts and goes out of the house she goes to bars, clubs and other places for fun, there besides good people she also meets some people who are not so good, out of curiosity after many drinks he also tries drugs, there if he wants dev ,can add many sex scenes, at the beginning soft scenes and then harder.
the Haley is increasingly entering the underworld. (from now on can Dev can make many many short stories) and if he wants a lot of sex scenes with payment or even rape,nude photos for a fee to buy drugs.
the title of the game is ( Haley's Story )so the game should have its center.
after that comes the hero brother who saves sister his beloved cousin from this ugly situation.you can imagine the following.
(sorry for bad english)
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2019
Dude, there are no more annoying people than these NTR fans, I don't see anyone who doesn't like NTR going to games like that asking to take NTR out of games.
But I always see these people come to ask for this shit in games they don't have, do they want NTR at all, a reflection of real life?
Leave pure games for pure game lovers, do you want everything for you?
Let us play our novels and go without that shit. (y)
Apologies for digging up a 2 month old post, but I was doing a thread search and this post was in the results, and I just couldn't resist.

You have clearly never been to an NTR game thread (logical assumption based on your profile), because I assure you, for every question presented in a "normal" non-NTR game, there are quite literally dozens more questions and people asking devs that work on NTR heavy games for "NTR switches" or "does this contain NTR" or "is NTR avoidable" and/or they go completely out of their way to post and say how they will not be playing/supporting said game because it contains NTR. It really is amazing to see the pure hatred on both sides of the issue continue to go one endlessly, but you significantly underplay the anti-NTR sides role in things.

I enjoy all types of games, but it's comments like these that only prove to fan flames and appear hypocritical. I assure you, fending off the occasional "is there NTR" questions is pretty damn tame to the stuff NTR fans fan to sift through in NTR game threads. Me personally, I look for preggo tags and search the thread for same, if I don't see it, I usually move on. I would like to think that fans of NTR and people that have severe allergies to NTR content could feasibly both conduct the same thread search...but instead both sides just keep the fight up. It would be entertaining it if wasn't just sad.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Klaus raped Hayley and abused his power of trust so letting go of a BIG part of the storyline and not wanting justice isn't exactly a human instinct is it? This game tells a story that works on peoples human emotions and everyone reacts differently and to what outcome they want hence the option when having the discussion with Victor, to me by having this choice this means the mc is a LOT more than a little pissed and the way the mc acted with his inner dialogue after Hayley told him about Klaus it was a LOT more than a little pissed as well. You clearly are not taking away from the game what I am and have a different outlook, that is your right just as I have the right to see the game how I see it and by wanting revenge for what he put hayley through. i'm sure there a lot of readers on this thread that haven't forgotten and want justice in one way or another. So I ask you how can people just forget such a massive integral part of the story and move on? I'm not going to go back and forth with you about it as clearly this the type of content you will enjoy going by your name and that's your right but please don't come at me with your 'so what it happened comment' as this is something I and i'm sure a few other readers would like some closure on too, so as you put it I/we can 'move on'.
She's going to therapy, that's as much as he can do for her.

He can't beat the shit out of him, that will land him in jail. They have zero proof he touched her when she was underage, it would be her word against his and far too many years have passed for anyone to do anything about it.

I don't quite know what you are expecting.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2018
Well even with an overarching story, I suppose you need some "fillers" as well. So it doesn't end up feel like one hurdle after the other. There is some games that make me question why the protag haven't gotten ptsd yet.

I think the anal scene in this update was a stab at many games out there that portray such without use of lubrication and going in hot and heavy with no issues.
Lesbehonest, usually after some sloppy toppy.


Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
Glad to see the dev has resumed this after a month out not much in the way of story progression apart from the MC will be dealing with the higher up's. And of course, Haley trying out anal looks to be a work in progress with that one :p


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
She's going to therapy, that's as much as he can do for her.

He can't beat the shit out of him, that will land him in jail. They have zero proof he touched her when she was underage, it would be her word against his and far too many years have passed for anyone to do anything about it.

I don't quite know what you are expecting.
Payback for hurting her ? Preventing him from possibly raping more underage girls ? Taking away his livelihood and making him accountable for his actions ?

Who is to say that there are not plenty of other victims and they could gather evidence to put him away ?

Or the rough justice choice the dev seems to give us could also be an option if like you said legally he can't be prosecuted ? Otherwise what is the point in that choice in the first place.

Why should a predator be allowed to carry on teaching and possibly hurt anyone else and this is something as a player you would expect and when you care about someone that much you would stop at nothing to get justice in anyway you can.

Yes i'm not denying that hayleys recovery is not important and it's great that she is starting her long road to it but it would leave a big empty hole in the story if Klaus was allowed to carry on living a normal life after causing so much emotional damage.

And I personally wouldn't give two shits about doing time for killing a peodophile if this was one of my sister that had gone through this.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Shouldn't it be 0.95 and final version after 0.90?
Nah, the devs stated a few months ago they are changing version numbering starting with 0.90 because they want to extend the development more. So, with 0.90 they are updating on a 0.01 basis, instead of 0.05. If things don't change, they should have another 8-9 updates left in the tank before the game is completed.
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Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
İ cant see any point for this in walkthrough but being fuckbudy with Diana or girlfriend with sandy gives any bad relationship point with Haley? As i said it doesnt looks like in walkthrough but I'm concerned about it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
"I look for preggo tags and search the thread for same, if I don't see it, I usually move on."
Sorry I just gotta point out the major flaw in this responce of yours I just checked and as yet I don't believe there is a preggo tag for this game.
But you aparently didn't move on.
I'm not having a go really I'm just pointing out as you are here that in this case the preggo tag search of yours odviously failed???.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Yeah, something must have glitched with my save somewhere along the way, cause I got no pubic hair at all in this play through, I'll either have to go back to an older save or get unren and try to figure out how to use it, lol
You will have to go back a ways. It was in Ep. 13 (we're on Ep. 21).

For UnRen, you can find it here:
UnRen Info and Download

There is another way though, just open the game folder and find the file ep21.rpy. Open it with any text editor - Notepad will work just fine. You will see the following code at the top of the file:

label ep21:
        play music street
        if sandraevlolve1 == False and lisahooker == True:
Change that by inserting a line to read:

label ep21:
        play music street
        $ haleyhair = True
        if sandraevlolve1 == False and lisahooker == True:
Use spaces instead of tabs when adding this new line. Then close and save the file and restart the game. By the way, if you decide to make a copy of that file first, make it outside of the game folder, otherwise the game might not open properly.

Good luck!
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Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
What would I do to make this boring story much better? Haley she starts and goes out of the house she goes to bars, clubs and other places for fun, there besides good people she also meets some people who are not so good, out of curiosity after many drinks he also tries drugs, there if he wants dev ,can add many sex scenes, at the beginning soft scenes and then harder.
the Haley is increasingly entering the underworld. (from now on can Dev can make many many short stories) and if he wants a lot of sex scenes with payment or even rape,nude photos for a fee to buy drugs.
the title of the game is ( Haley's Story )so the game should have its center.
after that comes the hero brother who saves sister his beloved cousin from this ugly situation.you can imagine the following.
(sorry for bad english)
If you write it, perhaps I'll play it.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Yes i'm not denying that hayleys recovery is not important and it's great that she is starting her long road to it but it would leave a big empty hole in the story if Klaus was allowed to carry on living a normal life after causing so much emotional damage.
I agree with this part of your post completely. Whether Klaus's punishment should include physical retribution is up for debate [perhaps even among the developers]. One point though: if the MC had immediately kicked the crap out of Klaus, it might have not set well with Haley, given her mindset at the time. What we would not need is for the MC to get satisfaction from Klaus, but lose his sister.

By the way, physical retribution is still possible if you chose to ask for Victor's help.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Much preferring the non-Sandra route and kinda hope we can sidestep the anal route that this update seems fixated on. I for one am not particularly interested.
It seems that the developers feel that Haley asking for it is an integral part of the story and have made it unavoidable. I think they have a point there. But it would be nice if they make it optional for any future scene that includes actual anal content, especially since the MC is not insisting on it.
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Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
İ cant see any point for this in walkthrough but being fuckbudy with Diana or girlfriend with sandy gives any bad relationship point with Haley? As i said it doesnt looks like in walkthrough but I'm concerned about it.
In the route where Sandra is still the MC's girlfriend, that relationship is imperative to moving the plot forward. In fact, Haley is pushing it as hard as she can. Relations with the other girls are now impossible though. If the developers allow that in the future, I believe that taking that option could well ruin the MC's relationship with both Sandra and Haley.

In the other route (where Sandra is no longer in the picture), you do have the choice of accepting other girls, and (so far) Haley seems just fine with it. There is no downgrading of Haley's points if the MC has sex with other girls, but, of course, there is a variable kept to denote that the MC is in such a relationship. Interpret that as you will.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Sighs dev got a fetish for having clothes on while fucking. I can see if its in public but its at his own damn house.
Clothed and unclothed sex scenes both exist in this release. Seems normal to me for young people in love who share the same living environment.
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