
Aug 2, 2018
Ok, so PayPal is out apparently. Honestly not too informed there apparently. SubscribeStar however has been picking up businesses left and right, especially after Patreon started dropping political opinions it disagrees with from it's service as well. It censors not only content but political discourse. Just all around a bad company to do business with.
Yeah, unless you're a big company with some weight (and a good team of lawyers) don't use paypal in a professional (or semi) way.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
What is incest patch for? The game already has brother sister sex scenes :unsure:
The developers have had to change the game, because of Patreon's restriction on incest. The patch will be needed for any future release to restore the original intent of the developers. As far as I can tell, it isn't needed for the link currently at the OP here. But if you have downloaded the latest from Patreon, you will need that patch to restore incest to the game.
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Jan 19, 2020
Damn! I wish hadn't played this game.

First of all I don't hate this game. It's amazing for almost all parts of it. 5/5 material. It's just one plot point I can't swallow and has ruined the game for me forever. Mr. Klaus.

This is not a game where you bed someone after one or two scenes with them. In fact there may be 50 something scenes with Haley before anything happens which is more than a year of game development. You really get to like and care about her. And the moment it finally happens, the bomb is dropped.

First of all asking for history with ex-es right after first time while still in bed is never a good idea. This old teacher Klaus had manipulated Haley into having sex with him when she was 15 for Christ's sake. Could have made her 18 at least. He basically raped her for 3 whole weeks before the mom stopped it. She has PTSD and has made up lies in her mind to block those. But her acts during sex reflects those. Her calling MC as Daddy, being submissive and taken control over, MC pulling her hair and her liking it... all points to a fractured mind and not a healthy relationship.

I couldn't enjoy any scenes with Haley after first sex scene. And every now and then reminding of her depressed mindset didn't help either. MC must have no problem fucking a broken person. Normally he shouldn't have sex(absolutely no submission stuff) with her until she is completely cured after months or year of treatment.

And the mom is the most disgusting person ever. Her daughter is raped and she is mad at her for making bad decisions??? She was 15 bitch!!! And she didn't do anything to Klaus. She could have easily have him fired and thrown in jail for raping an underage student. But she did no such thing. Fuck this plot.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Damn! I wish hadn't played this game.

First of all I don't hate this game. It's amazing for almost all parts of it. 5/5 material. It's just one plot point I can't swallow and has ruined the game for me forever. Mr. Klaus.

This is not a game where you bed someone after one or two scenes with them. In fact there may be 50 something scenes with Haley before anything happens which is more than a year of game development. You really get to like and care about her. And the moment it finally happens, the bomb is dropped.

First of all asking for history with ex-es right after first time while still in bed is never a good idea. This old teacher Klaus had manipulated Haley into having sex with him when she was 15 for Christ's sake. Could have made her 18 at least. He basically raped her for 3 whole weeks before the mom stopped it. She has PTSD and has made up lies in her mind to block those. But her acts during sex reflects those. Her calling MC as Daddy, being submissive and taken control over, MC pulling her hair and her liking it... all points to a fractured mind and not a healthy relationship.

I couldn't enjoy any scenes with Haley after first sex scene. And every now and then reminding of her depressed mindset didn't help either. MC must have no problem fucking a broken person. Normally he shouldn't have sex(absolutely no submission stuff) with her until she is completely cured after months or year of treatment.

And the mom is the most disgusting person ever. Her daughter is raped and she is mad at her for making bad decisions??? She was 15 bitch!!! And she didn't do anything to Klaus. She could have easily have him fired and thrown in jail for raping an underage student. But she did no such thing. Fuck this plot.
Fortunately, there are a lot of good games out there to take this one's place. Have you tried Leap of Faith? It's a fairly new game. It's not about incest, but it is very well-written and interesting to play.

Good luck in finding a game to replace this one.


Mar 28, 2020
Mr Klaus does make this sweet story not that sweet any more(maybe Richard has done that). But I dont think Haley suffer from PTSD or something(she has no fear of sex and love). Maybe MC should do something to punish Klaus rather than taking Haley to therapist (unless she is next character to fuck :ROFLMAO: ) as Haley keeps bullshit during therapy
Apart from Klaus and Richard, the story is sweet and lovely. Can't wait to see next update
Jan 19, 2020
Mr Klaus does make this sweet story not that sweet any more(maybe Richard has done that). But I dont think Haley suffer from PTSD or something(she has no fear of sex and love). Maybe MC should do something to punish Klaus rather than taking Haley to therapist (unless she is next character to fuck :ROFLMAO: ) as Haley keeps bullshit during therapy
Apart from Klaus and Richard, the story is sweet and lovely. Can't wait to see next update
Richard was definitely annoying but still okay as it was realistic yet not so repulsive, specially as the the game didn't throw any ntr and by default Haley rejected him(I mean no choice for MC to make). MC is definitely going to punish Klaus as his talk with Victor hinted that.

As for Haley's mental state: IMO she definitely has issues. She's not afraid of love and sex sure; but the way she enjoys sex, clearly has imprints of Klaus on it. He made her submit with no way out and used fear of telling her father that she was a slut. In Haley only Path, the cabin sex clearly proved that. Even MC said that Haley liked the kind of sex where she has no control or nothing she would/could do. May be Dev designed it that way, may be not. Haley is a completely different person outside of bedroom, but becomes submissive during sex. Again it's just my opinion but I think a lot of things are a clear indication that the way Haley views and enjoys sex is clearly based on how Klaus treated her for 3 weeks as he was her first at the age of fucking 15(change that to 18 please).

I may be completely wrong but when I played the game, it felt to me like that. Specially in between scenes Haley is always down and force smiling. If it's a sweet story then cure all her problems first and fuck later. Otherwise it's quite harsh and I can't enjoy her scenes at all. Anyway, I'm not touching this game until it's completed in 1-2 years. I hope Dev does a good job resolving things and keeping it sweet. As of now, I'm really pissed. Otherwise(of that plot) it's a great game.


Mar 28, 2020
Richard was definitely annoying but still okay as it was realistic yet not so repulsive, specially as the the game didn't throw any ntr and by default Haley rejected him(I mean no choice for MC to make). MC is definitely going to punish Klaus as his talk with Victor hinted that.

As for Haley's mental state: IMO she definitely has issues. She's not afraid of love and sex sure; but the way she enjoys sex, clearly has imprints of Klaus on it. He made her submit with no way out and used fear of telling her father that she was a slut. In Haley only Path, the cabin sex clearly proved that. Even MC said that Haley liked the kind of sex where she has no control or nothing she would/could do. May be Dev designed it that way, may be not. Haley is a completely different person outside of bedroom, but becomes submissive during sex. Again it's just my opinion but I think a lot of things are a clear indication that the way Haley views and enjoys sex is clearly based on how Klaus treated her for 3 weeks as he was her first at the age of fucking 15(change that to 18 please).

I may be completely wrong but when I played the game, it felt to me like that. Specially in between scenes Haley is always down and force smiling. If it's a sweet story then cure all her problems first and fuck later. Otherwise it's quite harsh and I can't enjoy her scenes at all. Anyway, I'm not touching this game until it's completed in 1-2 years. I hope Dev does a good job resolving things and keeping it sweet. As of now, I'm really pissed. Otherwise(of that plot) it's a great game.
Well that makes sense. But Haley seems like submitting and calling daddy during sex. Although It may be affected by Klaus , if Haley does like that then no big deal I think. What important is that Haley feels happy with MC and having sex with him no matter submitting or not. She has positive attitude towards everything now no need to bring up old pain to upset her. So I think it's not necessary take Haley to therapy or uncover her old wounds but Klaus should be punished sooner or later


Active Member
Dec 25, 2018
I have seen similar 'imprinting' in another game (Summer Scent).
One of the girls had her first sexual experience (spying on her parents) being Femdom.
So she believes and acts as though that is the way a sexual relationship is supposed to work.

MC will likely have the choice to either go with it or show her other options.
Maybe the same will happen here...
Jan 19, 2020
I have seen similar 'imprinting' in another game (Summer Scent).
One of the girls had her first sexual experience (spying on her parents) being Femdom.
So she believes and acts as though that is the way a sexual relationship is supposed to work.

MC will likely have the choice to either go with it or show her other options.
Maybe the same will happen here...
My point exactly. In this game Haley's sexual preferences are definitely skewered by what she first experienced. It would have been fine not knowing about Klaus; but after that reveal and knowing Haley still craves the things first experienced by her due to Klaus... it's a disturbing thought by itself. For that reason Haley needs help. And also MC definitely needs to help her enjoy sex differently; may be let her take more control during the process.


Active Member
Dec 25, 2018
It should be a gradual process though.
Right now, he knows what she likes & he wants to make her happy.
Changing her sexual behaviour will go along with healing her psyche, probably with the help of the therapy.
So far, not much headway being made there.
Hopefully this will change with his involvement, leading to change in the bedroom...

Much safer than making her go cold turkey.


Dec 29, 2019
Great story.
Having seen the effects of Haley's trauma IRL. I Hope to see a certain teacher have his small appendage removed via a very blunt instrument in a very messy way would certainly make my day.

I enjoy the characters very much Haley is gem.
Models are very nice and really come to life the way you have written them.
Got to say one of my Favorites stories on here.
Good one Viitgames.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
but after that reveal and knowing Haley still craves the things first experienced by her due to Klaus... it's a disturbing thought by itself.
What Haley experienced first with Klaus was sex. Are you really condemning Haley for having the audacity to enjoy sex? Or is it submission? It seems to me that Haley was submissive all her life, which is one of the reasons she caved under Klaus's threats. A girl with a dominant personality would have told Klaus to go fuck himself. Or even turned the blackmail card around on him.

I don't view liking sex or having a submissive personality as being a disturbing thought for a woman in the least.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
I don't really participate here anymore but the surety that a submissive sexual persona is inherently born from trauma is deeply offensive. That doesn't mean one needs to like or accept the story beat — even as a supporter and defender of the game I don't think it was handled well — but it's a fundamental misunderstanding that's been repeated here over and over again, and it's unquestionably wrong.

It may or may not be Haley's story (and yes, that was deliberate), but she herself tells the MC that she's been like this from a very early age. Pre-Klaus. I see no reason not to believe her, especially as her expression of her sexuality with her brother bears very few similarities to someone suffering the trauma of sexual abuse. Her relationship with her mother, on the other hand, most definitely does.
Jan 19, 2020
What Haley experienced first with Klaus was sex. Are you really condemning Haley for having the audacity to enjoy sex? Or is it submission? It seems to me that Haley was submissive all her life, which is one of the reasons she caved under Klaus's threats. A girl with a dominant personality would have told Klaus to go fuck himself. Or even turned the blackmail card around on him.

I don't view liking sex or having a submissive personality as being a disturbing thought for a woman in the least.
Wow, twisting my words there. I never said someone liking submissive sex is a bad things. Whether Haley is submissive or dominant is irrelevant at the age of 15. As she had a soft spot for Klaus to begin with, manipulating her to do more than just normal caring stuff was easy for a grown adult man and Klaus definitely used it. You sound more like her mom in the game. As she probably did enjoy doing things with Klaus, that means she is that way and her behavior was no way impacted by Klaus. That's why her mom hates her in the game.

I'm not convinced that she enjoyed the encounters with Klaus anyway cause she said herself later on that he hurt her and forced her, that is once MC was able to break her initial wall of illusion that whatever that had happened when she was 15 was entirely done by a mature mind and not by a manipulated child who couldn't realize that she was being used.

Anyway, you are entitled to your views as the other people who likes your comment. Haley can definitely like submissive sex and there's nothing wrong with it. My point is that her acts during sex(calling MC Daddy, liking her hair being pulled, giving up all control etc) are somewhat influenced by Klaus cause that's the first thing she ever experienced and at that time she thought that it was of her free will and she wanted it. And those thoughts were carried till adulthood until the point MC first confronted her. That's a long ass time to change someone's perception of how they view certain things. There's a reason why she blocked or changed those memories in her mind later on. She is definitely not a submissive persn outside of bedroom. MC definitely saw through it that she was used and that's why Haley is taken to see a therapist.
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