No. And actually, she almost disappears from the game, only making fast appearances, on certain routes (notably on Sandra's one, were she cannot be anything else than a friend - others will correct me if I'm wrong, but I actually don't think she appears on any other routes in the late game) after the choice sex-buddy/friend.
Same thing happens with Alana.
There are only four routes so far (Sandra+Haley, Adriana+haley, Lisa+Haley, and Haley-only), and it doesn't seem there will be more.
(I'm actually working on a simplified walkthrough regarding paths, and some choices are funny/not the most logical - for instance, you can refuse all the first sexy scenes with Sandra, including the first sex scene, and still be and her path, but when she asks you to leave to go make things up with Haley after the third sex scene (ep 11), if you comply and do not stay to make nudes of her, you're out)