There is only one path. Haley, all the others are nothing to her
I took the Lisa path. Although Lisa by herself isn't really wifey material, she seems to complement well Haley, and is the only one with a relationship dynamic that is an addition to the main dynamic with haley, and not a total change, overshadowing your relationship with haley.
Both Adriana (if you decide to move with her) and Sandra are too intrusive and imposing and take away from the focus on Haley, while having relationship dynamics that are not compatible in my point of view with the wholesome, Haley-focused one you have with Haley prior to commiting to them.
Its also more interesting to see if you in the game can manage to make lisa a more structured, behaved, responsible person, and maybe gain the gratitude of aliana for that, and maybe have something more permanant with her.