I was under the impression that Haley had figured out her feelings for her brother and really wanted to be with him from the start, but after this update I guess it's not that simple, and she is still confused as fuck, even though she basically single handedly brought us to the situation we're in right now, MC is totally compliant, his feelings for Haley emerge as she makes advances on him.
She basically shuts MC down on the possibility of a real relationship and making anything sexual, and credits their behavior basically on the fact that they are so close and always made everything together, and there is no problem in kissing and cuddling together in private since it's just that they're very affectionate, even though ir would be misinterpreted by others. But she is lying to herself, it's obvious that she wishes for a relationship with MC, and is scared to death to lose him and not being with him, but for some reason she is also scared of embracing a relationship with MC. There is some hints that indicate that Haley does have deeper feelings for MC
maybe she is fearful of her brother not being in love with her the same way she is with him, and for him sex would be only like a "siblings with benefits", and is fearful of having her heart broken by him not being on the same page as her and losing the relationship that they have right now in the process, I think the next scene is a good indication of that
she is probably fearful of having a relationship, her brother not fulfilling her expectations and not being able to go back to what they had before
the truth is that she acts very contradictorily, at the same time that she makes MC get into a relationship with Sandra, she kisses him, sleeps with him, cuddles, shuts him down, makes him closer to Diane as well, demands that he show affection, she is confused alright, after playing this version I remembered this part in south park with kenny
seems about the same to me
I guess that's the problem with making the MC so passive, Haley basically has to decide everything for him, so she contradicts herself all the time