i dig the story so far, the setting could be more realistic but it's not a big problem. Ashley and Emily have great models, i like Ashley's a lot. Personality wise, they are very different but i find both to be very interesting, again specially interested in Ashley would prefer a little sister approach with Emilia as she seems very sweet but also someone you want to have on your side on a fight
regarding side characters, this Luis guy seems like a really cool dude, i hope we get to hang out with him.
my complaint so far, and it's not a minor one, is in regards to Ashley's morning scene. my character was being a decent friendly type up to that point, so why does he suddenly call Ashley a stupid slut and forces her head? i wish there was at least an option for that and not the fixed route.
that made me think, does that mean that the only Emily is a true LI? that would be sad