Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
The update came out over a month ago and he hasn't even started Ep 9 yet? o_O
And all for those stupid bonus scenes that only a few patrons get, and that IMHO have no interest at all for what I could see after playing a couple of them?
This guy's making over $4,000 a month. I compare this to Deliverance, Oath of Loyalty or Betrayed , to name just a couple of undersupported devs, and it's ridiculous.
That's what I saw on his most recent Patreon. Hasn't started Ep. 9, Working on Bonus 6, which I think is an Em render. 70% done on that scene. So we have a long Spring and most of the Summer to go.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
I won't reiterate my opinion on bonus scenes. Maybe they bring in lots of Patron cash.

However, I don't begrudge any develper that is still releasing content, their patrons. There are a few developers, that shall remain nameless, who have abandoned their game years ago but still collect monthly checks, which gives all other developers a bad name. However, games like Halfway House are clearly still in development, and very high quality, so if it takes awhile, well, we all expect it by now. Nobody is forcing you to pay every month. Regarding games like Halfway House, or Deluca Family like you mentioned, which are on a 5-8 month release cycle, yes development is really slow, but they are both excellent games in my opinion, way above most here, so donate for one month and then stop if you want. Or just donate $2 per month, so if it takes 8 months, you haven't paid much. In my experience, developers are happy to get anything, so they will be quite thankful even if it is a few dollars a month.
Jun 11, 2020
I won't reiterate my opinion on bonus scenes. Maybe they bring in lots of Patron cash.

However, I don't begrudge any develper that is still releasing content, their patrons. There are a few developers, that shall remain nameless, who have abandoned their game years ago but still collect monthly checks, which gives all other developers a bad name. However, games like Halfway House are clearly still in development, and very high quality, so if it takes awhile, well, we all expect it by now. Nobody is forcing you to pay every month. Regarding games like Halfway House, or Deluca Family like you mentioned, which are on a 5-8 month release cycle, yes development is really slow, but they are both excellent games in my opinion, way above most here, so donate for one month and then stop if you want. Or just donate $2 per month, so if it takes 8 months, you haven't paid much. In my experience, developers are happy to get anything, so they will be quite thankful even if it is a few dollars a month.
I hope some of the devs are raking in that Patreon cash.

Apparently, I'm one of the more patient people here. I'm cool with waiting for the dev to get everything together. Does it suck until then, yeah, but that's life.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2020
does anyone know the name of the song playing in the main menu or the name of the singer thanks
This has been asked a couple of times, maybe the song titel should be linked on the main page...
It's "Will you wait" from Marisa Law.

Here is my last answer for this with further links:
For the song from the game main menu that was already answered here or here (it's a really great song by the way). If you look for the other tracks I recommend the audio mod, there you can play them (and the ones from the mod) by your own, link here.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
However, I don't begrudge any develper that is still releasing content, their patrons.
However, games like Halfway House are clearly still in development, and very high quality, so if it takes awhile, well, we all expect it by now. Nobody is forcing you to pay every month.
I would say here that I kinda agree with you: If his patrons, the people that pay him for the development and not us that sit at the sidelines are willing to wait 4-6 months per update then that's fine. He is responsible to them, not us.

On the other hand, I would say that I wouldn't become his patron despite loving the game because development is slow. I realize the man has a life aside of the game, I totally do. I just wouldn't support such a long development circle. The 2$/month you mention... personally when I really like a game I see here, I become a patron for a few months for 2$/month. Not all of us can afford more and my 10$-12$ month patreon budget goes to different games.

Indeed, for a developer that makes such a high quality game and brings in 4K$ per month, the 'loss' of a part-time 2$/month is negligible, so yes, he should continue doing what he's doing instead of burn out and drop the game.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
People talk about $4,000 as if it were small change, a little side money you make running errands for your aunt every Tuesday afternoon.
$4,000. About twice the average salary in my (European) country; 4 times the minimum wage.
If I were making that money there's no fucking doubt it would be MY JOB, and I would be treating it as such. There's no way my "daytime job" could be used as an excuse for putting out a short update every 6 months. At $4,000 a month this is your job.
Now, if patrons are OK with it, nothing to add. The customer is aways right.
But this is his job.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
People talk about $4,000 as if it were small change, a little side money you make running errands for your aunt every Tuesday afternoon.
$4,000. About twice the average salary in my (European) country; 4 times the minimum wage.
You make a good point. However, just for a little perspective, if you multiply the monthly income by 12, that comes out to about $46,000 a year. Not bad for a single person. But if you live in one of the large cities in the US, rent or the mortgage payment on a house can easily cost $20,000 per year. With utilities such as electricity and water costing another $3,000 a year. Plus taxes take about 30% for most people, or about $14,000.

So sure, if you live out in the countryside in Oklahoma where housing is inexpensive, than $46,000 for a single person is a pretty good living, and as much as you can make from most full time jobs in Oklahoma. However, if the developer lives in Atlanta, or Los Angeles, or Chicago, or a similar large US city, $46,000, especially if he has a family, is not very much.

This probably sounds surprising to people in other countries, especially outside the US, the UK, Germany, France, and the Nordic countries, but the cost of living is very high in most of the US, and even higher in many western European countries and Japan.

All I am saying, is that while it looks like a lot, people waste their money on a lot of that have less value than one of the best VNs here. Look at all the YouTubers and TicTockers that make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doing funny dances or making silly faces watching other people's videos. If someone like Az, who makes an amazing game that thousands of people enjoy, most for free, can get a decent living doing this, who are we to complain. Sure, I know he must take breaks, but his releases are pretty lengthy and it takes many hundreds of hours of work and rendering time for just a few hundred renders, so it can easily be close to a full time job, even if it doesn't seem like it as a player.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
You make a good point. However, just for a little perspective, if you multiply the monthly income by 12, that comes out to about $46,000 a year. Not bad for a single person. But if you live in one of the large cities in the US, rent or the mortgage payment on a house can easily cost $20,000 per year. With utilities such as electricity and water costing another $3,000 a year. Plus taxes take about 30% for most people, or about $14,000.

So sure, if you live out in the countryside in Oklahoma where housing is inexpensive, than $46,000 for a single person is a pretty good living, and as much as you can make from most full time jobs in Oklahoma. However, if the developer lives in Atlanta, or Los Angeles, or Chicago, or a similar large US city, $46,000, especially if he has a family, is not very much.

This probably sounds surprising to people in other countries, especially outside the US, the UK, Germany, France, and the Nordic countries, but the cost of living is very high in most of the US, and even higher in many western European countries and Japan.

All I am saying, is that while it looks like a lot, people waste their money on a lot of that have less value than one of the best VNs here. Look at all the YouTubers and TicTockers that make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doing funny dances or making silly faces watching other people's videos. If someone like Az, who makes an amazing game that thousands of people enjoy, most for free, can get a decent living doing this, who are we to complain. Sure, I know he must take breaks, but his releases are pretty lengthy and it takes many hundreds of hours of work and rendering time for just a few hundred renders, so it can easily be close to a full time job, even if it doesn't seem like it as a player.
I know, Smarmint. It truly depends on where you live. And the biggest cities in my country are also very expensive, with very high rents.
But my point is that under no circumstances is $4,000 a tiny amount allowing the dev to consider making this games as a mere hobby, as I interpreted some other users where arguing. At the very least it should be regarded as a part-time job, and even in those you need professionalism and have obligations to meet.
EDIT: Besides, it is my opinion that his updates are neither complex nor lengthy , especially compared to some other devs making far less than he. One or two of them are in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Well, I certainly respect your opinion, Aristos, and I mostly agree with you. It is definitely enough for a part time job, depending on Az's other responsibilities. I have no idea, but he is likely working another full time job, and maybe has family responsibilities, so maybe he can only devote 15-20 hours a week to development. I know with my full time job, I don't have that kind of time to devote to making a VN, week after week, for years, even if I am creative enough to try it, which I am not.

I try not to pay attention to the monthly income and exact time of the output of developers here. I know that it takes a lot more time, effort, and cost to make games than it looks like as a player, and most of us are getting them for free, except those of us who choose to support a few of our favorite developers. Plus, unless you are right out of high school, living on your own in an apartment with nothing to do other than program your VN, most developers have full lives outside of making their games. I am sure that they start out as a hobby and labor of love, and if eventually they get popular enough, and get enough support to make a substantial improvement in their personal income, all power to them.

There are a few developers, which those of us who have been here awhile know exactly who they are, that abuse their fans with continual promises of updates, lack of communication, and no decent output for years, but Az is not one of them, by a long shot. Sure, I wish he posted here more, but he does show up from time to time which is great, since he doesn't have to do that, and gives regular updates on his Patreon, so I think he is one of the good guys, really. There are quite a few developers I really like, who I won't mention here, that have even slower updates.

I do disagree with you about his update lengths, however. Looking at the games in your signature, most of which I have played, most have similar or shorter updates than Halfway House. I didn't count renders in each HH update, but Betrayed has pretty short and not very frequent updates (though amazing animations, which I love), and Big City's Pleasures seems practically abandoned as far as I can tell, with nothing much happening for the last year. Deliverance has extremely short updates, that I can play in about 10 minutes max reading carefully, though I do enjoy the story so I am not complaining. Sure, Being a Dik is much longer and more complex by far, but DPC has a whole team to work on it, and is making the income to match. City of Broken Dreamers is in a class all its own, with very lengthy updates, incredible quality, and a great in-depth story. It blows all other games out of the water in technical quality, honestly, so you are right there, but I assume that Philly must have a team of developers helping him also, or he is a true prodigy among game developers.

But other than a small handful of top-tier examples, Halfway House, while the updates are a little slower than average around here, in my opinion are pretty long, at least compared to the majority of my other top 20 favorite games here, and while not at the technical level of a few key exceptions, are better than almost all other games here, and for me is solidly in my top five. I have way more emotional connection to the characters in Halfway House, than I do with other popular games like WVM or Sunshine Love for example. Sometimes smaller is better, at least story-wise.

Anyway, I hope that Halfway House continues to make a good income, so that Az continues to work on it, and keep it going for as long as the story supports the development, which hopefully will be quite a while. I personally would love to see another 10 episodes, since there are a lot of characters we don't know well yet, that I would like to see more of, Dr. Kunieda most of all.
Jun 11, 2020
Anyway, I hope that Halfway House continues to make a good income, so that Az continues to work on it, and keep it going for as long as the story supports the development, which hopefully will be quite a while. I personally would love to see another 10 episodes, since there are a lot of characters we don't know well yet, that I would like to see more of, Dr. Kunieda most of all.
Me as well. This is one of my favorite VNs out there, and I hope it continues. More Dr. Kuneida content would be most welcome with me.

$4000 is roughly my net monthly income after taxes and various deduction.
Living in a city that's ranked in the top 10 for bring expensive, it doesn't go very far.
Four grand would make me re-evaluate what I'm doing in life, be it my normal work, games, drug dealing, prostitution, whatever, but that's me.

Life throws craziness at you all the time and is generally inconvenient from my experience. I don't know what dev deals with on a day-to-day, and I am okay waiting for updates. I have my own challenges to deal with every day and the release/update schedule of this game is not that big a deal in the grander scheme of things.
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Jun 25, 2017
Does anybody know the song that is playing in the back ground when you start the game just wanted to know thanks
Jun 11, 2020
Does anybody know the song that is playing in the back ground when you start the game just wanted to know thanks
Also can somebody just post that shit in the main link or prominently display it somewhere? At this point, I feel like there's been a multitude of posts asking this question. It's answered each time, but ffs. Literally was posted a couple posts above the latest inquiry. smh
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