Well according to Zoey Raven's walkthrough, the only ** you get with Emily on the train (+2) is when you click "Go For It" otherwise the whole train scene is +4 LP and +2 **. I only do the LOVE stuff with Emily (current save is 40 L/10 C)
I did watch the scene in the gallery unlocker where he grabs her breasts and it's just uncomfortable to watch in my opinion. She's too sweet of a girl to corrupt. That's how I see her. To me, Ash/Sam should get all the Corrupt stuff and Em the Love.
But that's how I am and how I play. I don't do anything to Ash, don't do anything with Samantha or Liz, hell I don't even flirt Shiho anymore. I know all of that other stuff doesn't really affect Emily's love route (only the dialogue) but after the very first time I played it (did all the Sam stuff, and the Shiho flirty thing) I'm pure Emily. It maybe boring to most, but in the end I really do like seeing the 40/10 score and I think her bedroom closing scene in Ep. 8 is a bit more "romantic" then the grabbing her boobs corruption scene. Just made me uncomfortable.