I explicitly said, that I'm not saying the dev is a milker. My post was positive, otherwise I wouldn't have used the word amazed.
And yes, of course they are ever-growing rants and complaints in the threads for the big milker, that is the reason the threads keep on exploding. I also didn't NAME any devs specifically, so HOW can you judge whether I apply the label too lightly?
And no, not all threads for "good" (see I can use quotation marks as well) games, run like crazy without updates for six months, at least not all run more than a hundred pages during that time, not to mention that both BaDik and Broken Dreamers are on a completely different level when it comes to popularity than Halfway House is.
But hey, if you want to needlessly start a discussion with me over something I perceived as positive, be my guest. I mean, I won't be participating, but you do you.