Yea I made my faithful save too, what I really don't like in this is that game attaches you to your GF whom you can't let go, you have to cheat if you like another person while doing so game also gives you more content with current gf to make you bound to her emotionally.
Also if something happens to Alice I'm pretty sure MC will also will lose his mind due to their bond. He only got really angry when Shadow mentioned Alice. So be my guess, lets see what will future bring to this story.
I hadn't really thought about that. Personally I find Elly adorable, so I'm happy there's a fair amount of content with her and that the focus has been on her. That said, though, I prefer more choice in games, so I definitely agree with your points.
I can see an argument for both perspectives. Obviously, there's always the "if you don't like it, don't play it" perspective. Of course, this isn't terribly understanding of someone who may love
everything else about the game. Still, it's technically true: Players have to decide for themselves if an Elly they may dislike is enough reason to ditch the game, or if they just struggle through the game and deal with something they don't like. (This has been true for me for certain games I've played.)
Nevertheless, from the other side of things, if someone doesn't find Elly attractive, they shouldn't have to pursue her constantly when there are
several other women to go after. Ideally, there would be some way to make a choice about Elly specifically.
I wonder if somehow she's integral to the plot. I don't think there's really a decent argument on grounds of love / attachment to her, because if the player chose a different girl, wouldn't the MC have an attachment to
her instead (viz., he fights for the ones he loves)? And although Elly seems to be something like glue in the group — establishing a good relationship with everyone else (even Natalie) — I don't think there's really a good argument to be made that this requires the MC to be romantically tied to her, either. Just b/c the MC might not choose Elly as a
romantic interest doesn't mean she couldn't still be part of the group as a
platonic friend of the MC, does it?
Since I quite fancy Elly myself, I haven't really pondered these questions before. They are good ones, though, and should be considered, I suppose.