Compressed mediafire keeps rerouting to that error they give for missing files
Fixed, at least in my post and the release post. I don't have edit authority for the thread so can't fix it in the main post. Thanks for pointing it out. Not sure what happened. Probably just a bad copy-paste somewhere.
Is this game still played in the browser or renpy or something else by now?
It's in-browser. It uses TWINE as it's engine. Specifically Sugarcube.
I'm curious about that Doll Transformation in the preview images. Is that in the current version of the game?
It's in the current patron release, Build 18. But not in the Free Public Build 17 release. Build 18 added the doll transformation, as well as two Drone transformation scenes (that's what you're seeing with the purple transformation), among quite a few other things.
With these stats, should I be able to go beyond the basic locations?
Your problem is that you haven't done the quest to advance from 'Unknown' Reputation. You have
waaaaayyy more than enough stats to do so. But you need to go through the Reputation Tier up scenes. Here, to get you started, here's a copy-paste from the official walkthrough (a reward on my Patreon) of what you need to do for the first tier up from Unknown to Resident:
Resident Level Reputation: When you first reach 50 fame/infamy, you can Tier Up to become an actual Resident of the island, instead of just an Unknown. In order to do so, however, you must find yourself a sponsor! Specifically, you need to get an introduction to Captain Arylin Temlin of the Wave Mistress. You can get this introduction by getting to know either Lyana(Bartender/Owner of the Jolly Rodger), or Jazerhra (Owner of the Magic Shop). Both of them, as of Build 3, have Relationship Counters in the Character Menu. You need to earn 10 Reputation Points (I’ll likely turn this in to a status in the longer run) with them, before you can get their help. This is easy to do by Talking/Chatting with them, Working for them, or Having Sex with them. Once you have enough Relationship Points with them, a new option will appear in their Talk/Chat menus, saying that they have an offer for you. That offer is to take you to a Party, where they will introduce you to Captain Temlin of the Wave Mistress. From there, events are linear, so just follow along!
The need for these tier ups is explained in the in-game tutorial, though it's hilariously out of date at this point (Hence why I'm willing to copy this tiny section of the guide here). Each tier there are hints about what you need to do given by NPCs at various times. There are currently two additional tiers beyond Resident. Though the final one currently effectively does nothing, it's meant to trigger end-game content that doesn't exist just yet.
not a bad game, but not one i'll bother following or playing to the end..... sucks to be limited to playn a chick. Also, i agree with that other dude, futa content should always be OPTIONAL, not having the option to be who you are is what all the LGBT+ folks fight against right? Should be optional to be a straight and basic if you want as well
As regard the 'stuck playing a chick' part. I'll say the same thing in response that I always do. With a game this massive, it's unrealistic to provide the option for both male and female characters. The game has in excess of 1600 renders...and I'd need to make another 1600 to account for all the alternate scenes. Games that let you pick gender always end up short/small for exactly that reason, unless they are hilariously well-funded. Which, sadly, I'm not. Or I guess if they are text only like Trials in Tainted Space. But, then you have to deal with the text only bit.
As for the Futa content, I'm
very very very confused. Every single bit of Futa content in the game is
100% optional. So I'm utterly lost what you're talking about. Or what other dude you're referring to. There is currently a single choke point where a Male/Female scene in unavoidable in unlocking Jerta Island. Which I've promised to fix when I can, as that choke point was an accident rather than deliberate. Otherwise, you can play the game 100% lesbian...and probably 100% straight? Though doing either with obviously be slightly harder and limit the total amount of content. Oddly, the 100% straight I'm actually completely unsure about because no one has ever requested it. In fact, I've actually had to sort of force there to be enough M/F content, since by far the more in-demand was Lesbian or Futa/Female...
How can I initiate the scenes with the other lovers? I have only found Jazerhra and Lyana to have relationships with.
Those two are the only 'relationships' on the Port Island (where you start). And both are super limited. Most of the really detailed full-lover status characters are on the Main Island, accessible after you get to Citizen Status. There, you can unlock the Drow/Dark Elf Twins Miona and Mione, the foxgirl Sylvia, the Arena Champion Louie and Under Champion Fiona. Six total characters who have been more fully developed. Another, Akari was just introduced in the current Patron build. Though she's only got two dates so far. I'm also planning to expand Jazerhra as some point, to bring her up to the same development level as the others, as well as eventually introducing one more romanceable Male. Which will bring the final planned total to:
2 Futas (Jazerha and Miona)
4 Females (Mione, Sylvia, Fiona, and Akari)
2 Males (Louie and a currently unannounced other)
1 Surprise character that's already in the game but I haven't made formally dateable yet....