sub/loser MC, his childhood friend Olivia is two-faced manipulative bitch. How you can even call shit like her a friend? And he still simping her like an idiot

Yea, MC destiny is to be a cuck. Another pathetic illusion of man
Gotta love the disturbingly high amount of stupidity of a fictional guy's delusional way of seeing the world in their own way, not how it really is, and his incapacity to process the informantion that's being given and shown to him, right ??
Classic beta cuck way of 'thinking' on this MC. And he wonders why his 'amazing' definitely-not-friend pretends she don't know him in public.
Yea, MC destiny is to be a cuck. Another pathetic illusion of man
Another spineless MC,sigh. Hard pass.
Nothing exactly shocking or new under the sun for porn game standards tho.
Tom got his rifle and went to school
And the rest is details, y'all. The most important thing worth mentioning is, he got his own Wrong Turn-type of disturbing happy ending, while the rest of the characters got the same treatment all characters in this franchise got there.
the fact that our so called childhood best friend has been OK with bad shit happening to MC, because she's a shallow cunt in public. Would be the end of any friendship with her.
That's genetics for you. Trashy ppl like her asshole of a dad will give birth to other trashy ppl like her, and the cycle repeats itself. Can't argue with science, but you can definitely stay away from worthless trash like those pixelated cunts.
The interactions between the characters are stiff and occasionally lack coherence
Then there is the weird story ... the start feels so off and the dialog is confusing as fuck - and the whole landlord and resident construct is also weird as fuck. Then the the girl is just forcing you into a HJ out of nowhere.
Sorry, but besides the solid renders this is a mess.
Like other users have already mentioned, the story's a Queen Bee/Landlord's Lil Girl knock-off. A few things sounding weird, not making sense, or anything like that is to be expected. The least the dev should do is try to
westernize it so it won't sound too weird or nonsensical to most of their fans and potential new patrons.
He thinks his landlord is like a slave plantation owner because he fucks a waitress? What in the world? Is this guy delusional or am I missing something?
Guy must've skipped classes when they taught them that dark part of history in school.
You basically summed up most korean 'stories' in pornhwa there and why most MCs suck. Not only this, they also end up with other idiots' sloppy, used-up seconds as their cringe asf (s)appy endings lol. Poor idiots don't deserve no sympathy.
This is why you don't pay attention to most of that shit, just fap to the few good sex scenes and move on. Still don't think it's a good idea to copy-paste the whole thing, but if the dev don't wanna listen to what we say, it's their decision to make and their business they'll end up hurting in the long run. Too bad something like this will ruin it for most non NTR fans, the render quality is pretty good and the women are gorgeous tho.
Hard NTR manwas are brain dead and lack any character description or motivations apart from showing the nonsensical NTR cheating, abuse, rape and beatdown of girls who are either then portrayed as having acute prisoner syndrome where they come to like their blackmailer/rapist/beater or are simply brain dead and they just never can put together any thought whatsoever in a way that we could comprehend.

Some of them pornhwa writers must've been hurt real bad by attractive women like the ones in their stories IRL and are sharing all the 'feedback' in their stories lol.
Can't make an idiotic MC go from completely braindead, dickless absolute zero to supreme hero in porn games... things don't work like that and ppl don't have enough patience and money to put up with this nonsense, not even this whole shit being fiction makes it a good excuse to justify the obvious intention here.
Congrats for the great start. Seems to be quite promising.
It sure does have potential, a whole lot of it... for certain financial disaster, that is.