There's also a few techinical reasons you might want to play a different sex, that don't have anything (or much) to do with sex stuff. 
RPGs I usually play a fem character (romance the fems if rom is in game though). Rational is in todays better graphics and bigger screens, if I'm going to be staring at someones ass for hours at a time while walking around, I'd rather it not be a guy.
First Person shooters. While the hitbox is the same, the character model is usually smaller. So any time I can use a smaller one to either help at long range, or make someone take more time to fire, I take it.
Myself, only did DA:O, after having played everything else before. DA2, nope, not after what I saw at release. EA fully getting their claws into BW.
RPGs I usually play a fem character (romance the fems if rom is in game though). Rational is in todays better graphics and bigger screens, if I'm going to be staring at someones ass for hours at a time while walking around, I'd rather it not be a guy.
First Person shooters. While the hitbox is the same, the character model is usually smaller. So any time I can use a smaller one to either help at long range, or make someone take more time to fire, I take it.
Myself, only did DA:O, after having played everything else before. DA2, nope, not after what I saw at release. EA fully getting their claws into BW.