Gotcha and while i understand where you are coming from, you still have to own up to what you said and acknowledge the fact that quoting to someone from a dictionary is a "smart ass response", when that someone asked you a normal question. (Especially if you just let that quote stand on it's own, as if it were self-evident what you meant, without adding any further comment). As someone who knows that your english isn't all that good, don't get offended when someone asks you to clarify what you meant.
So from one "English as a second language"-guy to another:
And while we're at it: Don't say "you were triggered". It is a very disrespectful thing to say, invalidates the other persons opinion and immediately drags the whole conversation down to a level where the only thing left to do is to insult someones mother. It's generally not a good Idea to try learning english from twitter.
And yes, in the beginning i was cool to just let it slide, hence why i initially did not respond to that dictionary quote of yours. But since people are obviously not willing to just let it slide and everybody just has to add their 2 cents to it, I now have to address the issue at great length. Also it's a boring Sunday so, sure, why not rack up our post count, lol.