Can I ask you something? Why don't you try Chapter 3 yourself? I don't mean it in any bad way, just curious.
I feel that it is a bit unfair to Nottravis. But that's not the only reason.
As I said before, I don't like long breaks in playing, because I forget the plot. And because of bugs, I have to replay games over and over again, whether I like it or not. It's really frustrating. Even to the point that sometimes I completely give up playing.
For example, I liked Dual Family very much. It was really nice production, not too much sexualized like others, but more focused on teasing. Today, this game is mainly associated with the fact that, to put it mildly, the author had problems with keeping promises about new releases. However, that was not the reason why I stopped playing it. The reason was that the old save wouldn't work with the new game (I used only official releases from Game Jolt) and I didn't have the strength to go through it from the beginning.
There is one more problem with unfinished games. You don't know what choices are good or bad. Even if you think that you have done well, everything can change in the next chapter.
I know that Nottravis said that this game is focused on the choices rather the points, but to be honest, I don't fully believe her. Sometimes this one missing point matters and we have a problem. You can't be sure whether in the future you will need e.g. 10 affection points, or maybe 7 affection points and 1 lust point. Sometimes it is even more complicated. You may find that you will need help from others, so you have to sacrifice some love points for friendship with another person, because you'll need her/his help at some point. And because the game is not constant, it may turn out that your entire strategy has gone busting, because the author will changed the code and fix some bugs. Someone wrote earlier that to go somewhere with Chris in chapter 3, you have to be friends with Sarah, even if you are not interested in Rah-rah at all.
And here are my observations:
- Do you remember the very first
walkthrough? Let's say you're interested in an affair with Annie. When you choose "Be just as casual back", you'll have two choices: "Agree" and "Disagree". It is about what you are thinking about calling Sarah "Rah-rah". "Agree" is a neutral answer (at least when it comes to the points), and the second one is a reprimand for Annie (-1 affection point for Annie, +1 affection point for Sarah). It would seem obvious that you should choose the first one. Wrong! You should choose the second one, and then apologize to her when the opportunity arises. "I was a bit of a dick earlier" gives you not only +1 affection point that you previously lost, but also +1 respect point. Moreover, because of some bugs (don't dare you to change this, Nottravis, this is my secret strategy!), you will get the "Sympathise" dialogue twice, so you can gain 1 extra affection point ("Yes") and 2 extra lust points ("I don't care"). Brilliant, isn't it?
- By continuing this path, you can ask Sarah to present the weapon system ("The weapons station"). "Give her a chance" gives you +1 affection point to Sarah, and "Actually let's not bother" gives you -1 affection point to Sarah but also +1 affection point to Annie. So the first one is not an optimal for Annie, but choosing "Let her carry on" at the next selection gives the opposite results for Sarah (-1 affection point) and +1 affection point to Annie, so it is definitely not worse than "Actually let's not bother", and you'll get a nice scene this way. But what if it is not the right choice? Maybe you should choose "Tell her" instead (+1 affection point for Sarah, +1 respect point for Sarah, but also -1 affection point for Annie). Maybe you should sacrifice some points of Annie affection to gain Sarah's friendship? Maybe friendship with her will be required to hide your romance with Annie behind Chris (she is very protective about the crew members)? The point is that you don't know what you will need in the future, so you can't work out the best strategy at this moment.
By the way, I am also a fan of Urban Voyeur by Cesar. This game is really nice and polished, but the long waiting time for updates makes me forget what decisions I made or even what exactly happened in the current game. Damn, I have already forgotten the names of some of the main characters. That's why I prefer games that are already completed or updated every month.
Anyway, I was going to wait for the fourth chapter to be released so that I could play the game with the optimal path.