No worries, I will check out your game as well as soon as you reach episode three, saw it and looked interesting but decided to wait a bit before trying it.
No worries, I will chack out your game as well as soon as you reach episode three, saw it and looked interesting but decided to wait a bit before trying it.
Thank you, this wasn't advertisement in disguise, merely a shoutout to two great games
That being said, I hope you'll like my little contribution to the WEG world :3
Thank you, this wasn't advertisement in disguise, merely a shoutout to two great games
That being said, I hope you'll like my little contribution to the WEG world :3
Thank you, this wasn't advertisement in disguise, merely a shoutout to two great games
That being said, I hope you'll like my little contribution to the WEG world :3
No worries I know it was not advertisement, besides I already noticed your game when episode 1 came out, just with current time and such I prefer to wait a bit before playing. Hell I did not even found time to play latest episode of Where the heart is, that should be some compliment to Notty.
Yeah it worked pretty well and I do agree, major plot points and drivers should never be optional. Though it might commercially be wise sometimes if the content is very controversial to give player a choice not to see it. if the dev thinks though that a certain scene should be in the story and is important then just put it in.
Yeah it worked pretty well and I do agree, major plot points and drivers should never be optional. Though it might commercially be wise sometimes if the content is very controversial to give player a choice not to see it. if the dev thinks though that a certain scene should be in the story and is important then just put it in.
Yeah it worked pretty well and I do agree, major plot points and drivers should never be optional. Though it might commercially be wise sometimes if the content is very controversial to give player a choice not to see it. if the dev thinks though that a certain scene should be in the story and is important then just put it in.
I think it comes down to: can you separate the story from the "lewds"? If you can't, then you may not have much of a story beyond "Here's your sausage pizza, with the extra large sausage... {bow-chicka-bow-wow}" NTTAWT
If, however, you have a story to tell (as Notty does) you can take the care and time to not hide bits of the story behind sex scenes. Those should enhance the experience of the actual story. If something happens during one of those scenes that impacts and/or drives the plot, you can:
Provide optional scenes based on the player's choices (having the MC get a blowjob instead of being pegged, for example)
Provide optional scenes with other characters (sexy or not) that fill in the gaps
Provide exposition to fill in the gaps
Provide a chance for the player to say "Hey, not really into this" and turn it into a conversation that provides the exposition
Provide any of a gazillion other devices to ensure that major plot points are not missed.
Class assignment: come up with three (3) alternatives to plot locked behind sex scenes, not listed above. Grade is 25% per each point + another possible 8.333% for originality. Extra credit: 10% for providing one of your options for the following scene:
Yeah it worked pretty well and I do agree, major plot points and drivers should never be optional. Though it might commercially be wise sometimes if the content is very controversial to give player a choice not to see it. if the dev thinks though that a certain scene should be in the story and is important then just put it in.
Major plot points are, by definition, not optional. But in ACIO games, the main framework of the game exists, and you as a player, have the choice to pursue this or that branch.
Actually, frap said it better than I could ever do \o/
Since we mentioned all these Games i wanna add
hopesgaming only other suggested Games besides Heavy Five
Acting lesson, Being a DIK, Depraved Awakening and City Of Broken Dreamers
so thats puts @Nottravisin quite an elite Club...
so i wonder what games would Becca / The Author recommend?
(i dont dare to say notty in my second posting - oops but i put it in the posting...)
I think it comes down to: can you separate the story from the "lewds"? If you can't, then you may not have much of a story beyond "Here's your sausage pizza, with the extra large sausage... {bow-chicka-bow-wow}" NTTAWT
If, however, you have a story to tell (as Notty does) you can take the care and time to not hide bits of the story behind sex scenes. Those should enhance the experience of the actual story. If something happens during one of those scenes that impacts and/or drives the plot, you can:
Provide optional scenes based on the player's choices (having the MC get a blowjob instead of being pegged, for example)
Provide optional scenes with other characters (sexy or not) that fill in the gaps
Provide exposition to fill in the gaps
Provide a chance for the player to say "Hey, not really into this" and turn it into a conversation that provides the exposition
Provide any of a gazillion other devices to ensure that major plot points are not missed.
Class assignment: come up with three (3) alternatives to plot locked behind sex scenes, not listed above. Grade is 25% per each point + another possible 8.333% for originality. Extra credit: 10% for providing one of your options for the following scene:
Ah in that game I mentioned there is one very hardhitting scene told from three different viewpoints that is a plot driver and a major part for the coming side game. Of course you could just tell it happened, but then you miss what that scene says about the characters involved, the family and world the MC moves in and some emotional investment in the characters whether it is hate or sympathy that the writer found important to engender. Neither of these plot drivers you could have reached without showing that scene in its grisly form or not as good.
I haven't, but then I didn't concentrate on her too much on my first playthrough; I'm going through again to look at all routes with laser-focused determination to find everything!
I'm on Sarah at the moment! *I wish* I'm focused on Sarah at the moment.
Thank you! Black people aren't defined by their skin color, homosexuals are not defined by their sexual orientation, and men/women are not defined by what dangle between their legs! So few writers understand that! (personal pet peeve, sorry for the rant ^^)
It's hard to have too much plot, as long as you don't have huge depositions, and then it's not about having too much plot, but poor delivery. As long as you dispense it in bite sized chunks, the audience will accept it.
It does not stop people going on such sprees though unfortunately and Akamari I suspect you would have a better chance by p'míng Huitieme and bribing him. Reverse psychology only works if you make it believable.
No worries I know it was not advertisement, besides I already noticed your game when episode 1 came out, just with current time and such I prefer to wait a bit before playing. Hell I did not even found time to play latest episode of Where the heart is, that should be some compliment to Notty.
Ah in that game I mentioned there is one very hardhitting scene told from three different viewpoints that is a plot driver and a major part for the coming side game. Of course you could just tell it happened, but then you miss what that scene says about the characters involved, the family and world the MC moves in and some emotional investment in the characters whether it is hate or sympathy that the writer found important to engender. Neither of these plot drivers you could have reached without showing that scene in its grisly form or not as good.
I know the game, and the scene... and yes - major plot driver but... could've been done from an impartial 3rd person view with a less visually graphic scene, (still leaving the options to see it from the attacker's, non-interfering observer's [iirc] or victim's perspective currently available) while still laying out all the plot elements. That's one of the few rape scenes I forgive, though, only for how impactful and non-porn-trope it was. (Oh no, I'm being raped, and now I love it and want more... sooo goood! - Bleh!)
I know the game, and the scene... and yes - major plot driver but... could've been done from an impartial 3rd person view with a less visually graphic scene, (still leaving the options to see it from the attacker's, non-interfering observer's [iirc] or victim's perspective currently available) while still laying out all the plot elements. That's one of the few rape scenes I forgive, though, only for how impactful and non-porn-trope it was. (Oh no, I'm being raped, and now I love it and want more... sooo goood! - Bleh!)
Still you would have lost a lot of the meaning from that scene, it is meant to be seen from all three viewpoints for the full impact and I agree, normally in most porngames that kind of scenes is a nono for me as well.
Since we mentioned all these Games i wanna add
hopesgaming only other suggested Games besides Heavy Five
Acting lesson, Being a DIK, Depraved Awakening and City Of Broken Dreamers
so thats puts @Nottravisin quite an elite Club...
so i wonder what games would Becca / The Author recommend?
(i dont dare to say notty in my second posting - oops but i put it in the posting...)
Oh don't worry about the "notty" thing poppet. These guys don't show me any respect anyway so I don't see why you should be more well mannered than the usual crowd
But gosh that's not a bad little crowd to be in really is it? Although Hopes is always far too kind of my little efforts I feel. Well we know from Two what Becca likes, but as to me?
I confess I always feel rather awkward recommending games. There are some which are indeed very good and I know, being a ditz, that I'd rattle off a few and then realise the next day I'd missed one or two. But also, I must be honest, I haven't played any adult games since..*thinks*..March? A combination of RL and my own girls have kept me somewhat busy/distracted sadly. So my recommendations could well be out of date and as dear Amanda says, I would hate to mislead anyone just by not being up to speed.
So instead I'll turn the question around ever so slightly and tell you the type of game I would -love- to see which, perhaps unsurprisingly, is a decent fem protag game...and there isn't one. Some get close at times but then spoil it by grinding or poor writing or whathaveyou, and I won't even touch some due to the subject matter being *scrunches nose* to mind rather beyond the pale (don't call characters 18 when they're both obviously designed to be, and the scenarios you put them in, represent an age much younger for example).
Which is why I have an eye on making H5 fem MC option at some point as a starter and then, of course, there is the follow on project. Which will be the Scarlet Pirate for reals
Oh! And welcome to the thread. So lovely to see new faces