Yeah, I am pretty much immune to caffeine, I can drink some and go right to sleep, no problem. XD
I was at the point I was drinking a 52oz (1.5L) French press of coffee every day... I don't actually miss it.
Yeah, well ... I can eat a really hot curry like a Korma without burning my mouth.
Totally hope nobody has ever had a Korma and knows it has absolutely no spice to it at all.
*snrk* - I love a good vindaloo, but Thai or Korean is better for spice - or Mexican if it's Yucatan style (with habaneros, which I put on
everything... rooster sauce is pretty much like ketchup to me at this point.)
I have proof.
I don't have it on me right now but it totally exists.

Good enough... we'll allow it.
You talkin' about syrup....or?
Thats why Notty doesn't remember, she was on a sugar-high at that time. Drinkin' that syrup straight from the bottle.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
*nods* ... *shakes head* ... *nods* ... *shakes head*
Sooooo, how did it go? Fancy sharing the fruits of your labour?
Oh it went well thanks *nods nods*
Ava liked it at any rate
I'm glad you were able to share your amazing render with Ava, and that she liked it. I'm happy for you both, really!
I'm seething with raging jealousy, but I'm not gonna show it, no I'm not.
Yeah, but 500 pages of that is me teasing you lot, so probs doesn't count!
That's the best part!
But! In other news!
I made Sarah pregnant! *is most pleased!*
*does enjoy experimenting on her*
Okay, I get that you like your experiments, but
holy hell! You should be writing a paper right now - if you made Sarah preggers, your methods might win some kind of medical award! (I know there's ways to take DNA from one egg, introduce into another egg and sett of the process, but I didn't think it had been done with humans yet!)
Sarah "I'm a happy little pixie. Look at me being all cute and bouncy and fun!"
Me "Yeah...well, now you're fat."
*Imagines you rubbing your hands together gleefully while you cackle... warms my heart*
Just don't touch my women and I won't hunt you down and wear your flesh like a skin suit, toodles, love you all.
*eep!* I shall, at all times, maintain a respectful distance.
please don't hurt me! one's seen the real stuff yet. This has all been just setting the story up!
One to Three is the equivalent of the Star Wars scoll thingy at the start.
We know! And we're all antsy to get this thing really rolling!
Well, I keep trying to feed you guys without much effect but I shall try again!
Does the class believe there is any significance with respect to either Sarah's choice of reading material (no, not the SP) or Mikes?
Umm... maybe... but then again, we know you do seem to like red herrings for some reason... but maybe, since you know we know, you made it
look like a red herring so we wouldn't take it seriously... but if we know you know we know you might also know then... wait, I'm lost know. Let me go find my spreadsheets...
I will hold my hand up and say I did indeed worry.
Try and put this in a way that doesn't sound weird or too fangirly.
Notty was one of the first people I spoke to when I joined these forums. It was during the build up to her launch and she'd post a few times and we had the occasional chat. As a girl on a porn forum you don't know what to expect so I did get a case of the happy that I wasn't the only one.
Turns out we got along and I genuinely like the girl (though just as friends before we get shipped again). She launched her game and it was happy times and it took off. I ws pleased to see her do well, she worked hard in the build up and has her own job and stuffs going on on top.
Dark times happened, shit hit the fan as life does sometimes and i've seen it happen many times before. Devs get a slump, life catches them up and it's a hard hole to climb out of. Once numbers start dropping it is hard to get them back up again.
I worried because she is a friend albeit an e-friend but still, I want her to do well.
She's incredibly lucky she has you guys, you're a great fanbase and you keep things going. I was wrong for doubting you, I apologise from the bottom of my heart. She works damn hard, not just at this but to get back on top of everything, she's more than earned it.
She's incredibly lucky she has you, as well. You're as much (if not more) a part of this weird little corner of the internet as the rest of us.
*didn't know that!* I thought you were the experienced one out of the two of us tbh. *smiles sweetly*
*is very likeable* This is known *nods sagely*
Aye, it was a bad blow. It blew a huge hole in life in general not just in respect of H5 and you guys really don't want to know the half of it. But as Avaron1974 says, I'm very lucky to have you (
even if you do make Becca do weird things!). I'll be honest, if it hadn't been for the way you all loved H5 prior to me being ill, and your obvious enthusiasm for my little world, after that set back I would have given up and just given guys their cash back. But...even when I was stuck in a hotel room in a funny country a loooong way from home, my thoughts kept flicking back to Three being almost done and how much you'd love it. So...that was never an option. Because of you lot
We're all here for you, Notty (probably because we're not all there!)
That's about it. I am a tiny bit gobby though so tend to chat a lot.
That's perfectly acceptable.
Yeppers. People are people, no? And although we may react differently to people depending on how they treat us, our core personality doesn't really change that much. So, yep, the base personality traits of the the characters (and indeed -why- they behave like that) is locked.
^^^ THIS is why your writing should be number one in the poll
Have you seen Gremlins when Gizmo gets wet and little Gremlins start shooting out of him?
Imagine an army of tiny Sarah's running around that you can't feed after midnight.
*imagining...* giggle-worthy
It's just a little more internet fame, dear. Do try to breathe deeply, now.
Ok, guys, food for thoughts.
[SNIPPED: a treasure-trove of sleuthing]
Ok, that's all for me, I have to go now. Don't get crazy and leave me with hundreds of page to read (although I'd read them anyway)
Thanks, detective, for making it so's us dumbs don't have to think none!
Nice work!
*wiggles eyebrows*
Of course none it might mean anything of course...
Oh, right... so mebbe we's do gotta thinks?
*is shocked at both of them!*
*decides now probs isn't the time to mention she was rendering topless, and on here, last week in the heatwave*
I had to wear a bikini to watch TV it was that hot in here. Fans just blowing hot air back at me.
So wanted to open a window but one of our kitties is poorly and can't go out so i've had to suffer.
It comes to something when my kitchen at work is cooler than my bloody living room.
I'm not too proud to say that I am thankful for AC (or as you may know it, air-con)
They aren't tears it's dusty in here.
That's my line... at sappy commercials and stuff (is a big softy)
*goes back to best behaviour mode*
But snarky, naughty and teasing
are your best behaviours!
Maybe she would not lie, but taking some extreme liberties with the truth she might
It's not a lie... for generous enough definitions of truth.
Notty, one thing I like about the renders you post is that the boobage actually adapts to the clothing worn, sometimes looking bigger due to compression and sometimes smaller due to freedooom!!!!!!
Thankees! I do try. I loathe seeing "latex t-shirts etc"
Playing around with DAZ a bit these days, and yeah, it's not
too difficult to change the shape of breasts in a bra vs loose, although it does require some tweaking. Some of the clothing adapters work better than others.
Picture the scene.
[SNIPPED: horrible person behaving horribly]
Yes, i'm ranting, that annoyed me.
I need a fucking holiday.
Hawaii is looking so good right now.
Shit, i'd settle for throwing down some sand in my garden and sitting in the paddling pool with a bottle case of wine.
I'm sorry you had to go through that. If you need a place to hide we have a couch, the weather's been around 85°F (29°C) max, and cools off to around 60°F (16°C) at night. I'm sure my wife would be okay with it, as we do occasionally take in strays.
Whew, that was a lot to catch up on, and three new notifications while I wrote this, plus three other threads to catch up on!