Yeah, right.....
So innocent.
You were joking yes?
Would I ever be serious?

Think we already established that if Notty is Innocent, that it is likely one of her names given at birth. Then again would we really be happy if the writer for H5 would be a true innocent? I can't speak for anyone else, but a game where all the people were pure as snow, had never experienced anything in life and would be all virgins would not be highly interesting story.
Shit, nobody tell her I said that. I'm probably already in trouble for the song thing *runs and hides*
Well I have a very big silver mirror that has seen some use last few days you can loan if you need it.

Love that song though.
Has saying that ever worked for anybody on anything? *is curious*
For some people hope springs eternal.
Anyway Notty, I bought two games based on your recommendations and/or comments (Witcher (I've got the other two as well) and Mass Effect), which one should I start playing while I'm waiting for CH4?
For me I would begin with ME1 since that one is most like a RPG still, though loved 2 and 3 they were a bit much shooter for me.
To be honest though I would be even more likely to fire up Baldurs Gate II again. Admittedly I am bit biased cause played it the day it came out so am used to the graphics, but neither ME, DA Origins, Kotor series (though I loved part 2 a lot, despite all it shortcomings, whispers Lost content restore mod

) come even close to the splendor of that game or Jaheira and Viconia.

That game together with Might & Magic 6 reinvented the role playing genre when they came out and BG II really comes close to having it all. If people can handle outdated graphics and some bugs Arcanum is also a really great game that has been forgotten in the mist of time.
As an aside somehow I end always up as Chaotic Good in those game or their equivalents, whatever route I decide to play in advance.
First you have to get it REALLY cold...
Does that not defeat the purpose of what you plan?
*is adorable!*
I was only dancing tho. Perfectly innocently.
*sage nods*
That depends completely upon the nature of that dance you were doing adorable one
*Strongly disagrees and believes both Part 1s to be the superior games of their respective series.
But then, I grew up playing games like of River Raid, Choplifter and Aztec Challenge, so can very much handle crude graphics.
ME1s overheat weapon mechanics were definitely the best, as were all the details to be found all over the place.
See above, but I think the first ever serious RPG I played was the original Bards Tale when auto mapping was not even in games yet, so I guess yeah for me story will always beat graphics, Then again I recently replayed Diablo I and Dungeon Keeper, so I might not be the best measuring stick.
Yeah unfortunately Douglas Adams is no longer with us, but everyone can still enjoy his works at least.