
May 14, 2019
Sorry I am late getting to this. But I have been thinking abut it on and off throughout the day (since I read it this morning) and have wanted to reply.
Which character has made the most impact on you guys so far?
Chris’ character, to me (or at least my play through) is the key stone character, and for all intents and purposes, the real MC. while the dom/sub thing isn't (necessarily) my "cup of tea", regardless, Sarah is the hors d'oeuvre/starter, Chris is the mains/Main Course.

Y'see all the content is designed in a way, or at least the best way I can given I'm a novice, that the player gets the game they want.
Some of it will absolutely not be to people's tastes. Some of it will. And yet, I now wonder (again) as per the example above if peeps will end up seeing content they don't actually like (and indeed might put them off playing) just to see it all?

*might have screwed up?*
You might have screwed up...

For me, (and i do not want to unleash a cavalcade of sycophantic ire) I don't want you to make a game based on what you think I ( or anyone else for that matter) "might like". I want to play your game the way you made it for you... and if that is not what this is, then I think you screwed up.

I really like the game (so far) but right now, it is more than "just" a game. It is a community of folks that are getting together to cheer you and each other, on. This is your first game, and like somebody's first novel, or first song, I am more than half interested because we are getting to see what makes you tick.

The game is kind of like inviting us over to take a peek in your room.... look in your closets, check out your cds, books, movies.... but as an adult game, we also get to check under your bed and look in the drawers of your nightstand.

We will never meet, and the anonymity is kind of refreshing. And should be a bit liberating in a way as a game developer.

I am not going to lie.. I have been attracted to your game "partly" because you are a female developer and that is pretty rare (not rocking horse shit rare... but rare). So many of the adult games that I have downloaded and played (from this site) are male developed and male targeted games. It makes me scratch my head sometimes (and I am a male) because," gee... look, ANOTHER game about an 18 year old high school student that will inevitably peek in on someone taking a shower, sleep with his mother and sister, and somehow work in the same clothing store, same gym, and same classroom that I have seen ad nauseam".

So I am basking in this breath of fresh air that is the game you call "Heavy Five" and at the same time getting to peek around your room with a lot of cool folks (forum members) that I would absolutely LOVE to hang out with (real world) and who are now going to eviscerate me for saying so.

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Game Developer
Oct 9, 2018
Sorry I am late getting to this. But I have been thinking abut it on and off throughout the day (since I read it this morning) and have wanted to reply.

Chris’ character, to me (or at least my play through) is the key stone character, and for all intents and purposes, the real MC. while the dom/sub thing isn't (necessarily) my "cup of tea", regardless, Sarah is the hors d'oeuvre/starter, Chris is the mains/Main Course.
So, what you mean is that Annie is the severely alcoholized dessert? I'm okay with that :D

You might have screwed up...

For me, (and i do not want to unleash a cavalcade of sycophantic ire) I don't want you to make a game based on what you think I ( or anyone else for that matter) "might like". I want to play your game the way you made it for you... and if that is not what this is, then I think you screwed up.

I really like the game (so far) but right now, it is more than "just" a game. It is a community of folks that are getting together to cheer you and each other, on. This is your first game, and like somebody's first novel, or first song, I am more than half interested because we are getting to see what makes you tick.

The game is kind of like inviting us over to take a peek in your room.... look in your closets, check out your cds, books, movies.... but as an adult game, we also get to check under your bed and look in the drawers of your nightstand.

We will never meet, and the anonymity is kind of refreshing. And should be a bit liberating in a way as a game developer.

I am not going to lie.. I have been attracted to your game "partly" because you are a female developer and that is pretty rare (not rocking horse shit rare... but rare). So many of the adult games that I have downloaded and played (from this site) are male developed and male targeted games. It makes me scratch my head sometimes (and I am a male) because," gee... look, ANOTHER game about an 18 year old high school student that will inevitably peek in on someone taking a shower, sleep with his mother and sister, and and somehow work into the same clothing store, same gym, and same classroom that I have seen ad nauseam".

So I am basking in this breath of fresh air that is the game you call "Heavy Five" and at the same time getting to peek around your room with a lot of cool folks (forum members) that I would absolutely LOVE to hang out with (real world) and who are now going to eviscerate me for saying so.

All of this, except the part about guys making games for guys. If your game is about an 18 years old arsehole spying on his family taking a shower, the issue is not about you being a male. It's about you being a talentless hack. Simple as that.

Fortunately, Notty is neither male, nor talentless, nor a hack. She's a talentful smutty female. She is love. She is life. She *is innocent* :)


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Chris’ character, to me (or at least my play through) is the key stone character, and for all intents and purposes, the real MC.
You know I often think that myself. The thing is whilst our MC is off doing whatever you choose for him to do, Chris is certainly up to her own stuff in the background. So....I suppose they are both the MC? Well, that is if we exclude the real MC... :)

I really like the game (so far) but right now, it is more than "just" a game. It is a community of folks that are getting together to cheer you and each other, on. This is your first game, and like somebody's first novel, or first song, I am more than half interested because we are getting to see what makes you tick.
*totes gets this* :)

Fortunately, Notty is neither male, nor talentless, nor a hack. She's a talentful smutty female. She is love. She is life. She *is innocent* :)
Too fucking right I'm an adorable innocent. Let's not forget which side of this screen has the pervs on it! I just give you options....



Game Developer
Oct 9, 2018
4.10 star(s) 64 Votes