Speaking of reworks. When I was doing Two on the old 1050 I had to use this rather awful construction set (but on the other hand it was small enough to fit in the memory of the card so I shouldn't knock it) for hallways and rooms. I used it still in Three for the MC's room and the hallways - but for the remastered version it will be going.
Here's what the hallway would look like under a redo...
I'll be honest, while I like the quality, it looks better now, setting-wise... the new one looks like people from an oil riggare going to blow an asteroid in a game, the old one looked fitting for a civilian station
Yes. Bottles are made out of glass, you see, and transparent stuff brings renders to a crawl. Why can't people simply use opaque rubber chickens like in the old days? Noooo, it's all that fancy glass stuff nowadays.
me likey.... wait isn't that the SP 's scene? damn it ! you won't tempt me into going that path
I'll be honest, while I like the quality, it looks better now, setting-wise... the new one looks like people from an oil riggare going to blow an asteroid in a game, the old one looked fitting for a civilian station
*whispers* we had a deal.. I was supposed to criticise something, you would pretend it was harsh, and people would stop thinking of me as a fanboy... geez, that totes didn't work out.. that's what I get for making deals with nnocent people... they can't scheme even if it would save their life
Already do... I was interested even before she got her looks upgrade ...or would making her look younger be a 'downgrade', I am not sure how that works.
I was pretty tempted even before the blue dress, but that just gets worse when she takes off the blue dress... It's not my fault, really! I tried to resist, but ...choices!!!!
It's not that simple. You need to also maintain your hygiene stat otherwise you won't be able to do anything! And what if, god forbid, you get hungry?!
Too kind. I'll get a different set up for the next Chapter. I kept hanging on in case I could pull a miracle out of the bag, but once I started being unhappy with the SP that sorta killed any chance there tbh.
Although the SP looks gorgeous compared to how it was. So...probs worth it.
But you're right, of course. Once it's out it's out. And another week or so doesn't make that much difference in the long term of things. But defo a new rig for Five.
Since everyone already said what I was going to say about you not needing to fear anything like that around here, I will just say, "The only kind of milking being done around here is the fun kind!"
Sigh I know where the milking fear comes from, but you have done nothing yet to make that fear come true. Like I said before you have an ambitious project, you are upfront about developments and as also said before, I am here to see the game get finalized and every update along the way is just a nice extra till that time. Just you keeping working happily on it is way more important. So do not beat yourself up over that. Unfortunately I do not have your address or might send you one of these for when you can release 4 though.
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Who would think the place I get my bonbons normally would have been chosen as one of the ten best chocolateries in the world.
Now, I think that's a good thing none of us has Notty's address, or the poor gal would sink under the tons of jaffa cakes we'd send her, as well as graphic cards and, unfortunately, photos of multiple erect statues to the glory of H5!
Totally fine. Quality over quantity wins in the long run.
If I could go back in time and murder (no questions asked) whoever pushed Knights of the old republic 2 to launch before it was ready I totally would. Blizzard understood this back in the day and it made them what they are today. (Then they sold out and forgot all about it, but still)
Yes. Bottles are made out of glass, you see, and transparent stuff brings renders to a crawl. Why can't people simply use opaque rubber chickens like in the old days? Noooo, it's all that fancy glass stuff nowadays.
YES! The clothing is the problem! It is to blame for all of out hardships!!! We much get rid of it all I tell you!! It's going to be the end of us if we do not destroy all of the clothing!!!
If anything were to happen on Ophion, and I'm not saying for one moment it will of course, given my passion for choices if the MC had an option to choose a side out of one or two or, indeed, several - I'm sure he/she would be able to...
Speaking of reworks. When I was doing Two on the old 1050 I had to use this rather awful construction set (but on the other hand it was small enough to fit in the memory of the card so I shouldn't knock it) for hallways and rooms. I used it still in Three for the MC's room and the hallways - but for the remastered version it will be going.
Here's what the hallway would look like under a redo...
No problemo at all, this deadline was never meant to exist in the first place!
CH4 will definitely receive the proper time and proper final attention that it deserve.
not 5 but 6 sex scenes, great "sighs happily" preview, new hallway to match the "lab colour schemes".
Wow, there was a lot to read, see and laugh you happy folks... wish i was here!!
No problemo at all, this deadline was never meant to exist in the first place!
CH4 will definitely receive the proper time and proper final attention that it deserve.
There are plenty of good looking French women, so no shame in that.
Yeah tend to agree with the deadline thingy. It is good to have goals to focus yourself and strive for, hard deadlines tend to do opposite of intended though since working on adrenaline is ok for a few days but not for weeks or even longer and I finally learnt for myself after having been in denial for a long time, if face to short deadlines that really need to be made I will make to long hours and have to repair and fix more afterwards as I like.