Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
wINK ME INTO vILLAIN hOOD Becca the maiden who slept in soft cushions and pale feathers
Will me into the anti hero kianu my neo persona always grasped for and morph the trinity right
into my lap ... such a vigorous character arc can only make a BETTER GAMER OUT OF ME;)!

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Last edited:

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
As for the resources, it doesn't seem to have that much, at least not from the official sources. Nuclear reactor disguised as a generator is highly suspicious. And it was installed recently by the Iowa crew that also happened to take most of the staff off the station.
To be more precise, a nuclear reactor disguised with standard housing for the cooling tanks and a turbine which looks like a battery housing (according to the MC)... tremendously suspisious!!;)
You lot are so untrusting!


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
Well since old comp is very old and she basically needs to replace motherboard and power supply, not much would be able to be transferred like memory and transferring the video card might be counter productive since that is what she wants replaced most of all. Yeah it will be pricey likely depending on her budget, since she will want to get as good as she can get. I at least could say to myself I had no need for even better card with more memory or need for that even better processor. That is why she really needs to put a hard fixed budget for herself.
My current rig...


Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
  • Haha
Reactions: TheDevian and DA22


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
How about placing the MC's thoughts about what to do inside some popup text when you hover your mouse over one of the options? Or showing the the text in the text bar below when you hover over an option.

As for the whole new rig debate:

1) The FIRST thing I skim on when buying a new rig, is the RAM. Many people call me crazy, but 2x 4GB is a helluve a lot cheaper than 2x 16GB. It's a noticable downgrade, yes, but also the EASIEST thing to fix in the future, when finances allow you to upgrade. And almost all software, including Daz, still works fine with "just" 8 Gb. (my own rig still runs perfectly fine on a single 8GB bank, since the other died). Just take out the banks, insert new ones, and you're done. Best part is, you can still move your 2x4GB to bankslots 2 and 4, for some totally unnecessary bonus oomph.
About every other component involves messing with cables, (re-)installing software and drivers, you name it. Of all the intermediate options, this is the first one I always go for.

2) Liquid cooling is overrated. Seriously, it is. Maintaining a good airflow inside and outside the case has more effect on your cooling than liquid cooling, which is seriously just a gadget for computers.

3) If you *don't* overclock your CPU or your RAM, then the standard fan that comes with an AMD Ryzen processor is more than enough to cool it. If you overclock the RAM to its advertised speed, then the standard fan usually just manages to keep up, but a better cooler becomes advisable. If you overclock the CPU, then certainly get a better cooler.
Intel CPUs notoriously come with lousy fans, the standard fan being just barely good enough to keep up with CPU and RAM at default clock speeds.
Just, always ask yourself: do I really *need* an overclocked computer? Will I really benefit from overclocking? Generally, the answer is that the effect is barely noticable, and that it's not worth the bother. Especially for iRay rendering, which mostly relies on your GPU and the memory on your graphics card anyway.

4) SSDs are great, but not for storing data. Great to have your OS on SSD, also great to put software on SSD. But just install data on a cheaper & bigger HDD. Also make sure to relocate your user folders (documents, pictures, downloads, etc.) to the HDD. There's an option hidden somewhere in Windows to redirect those to another drive. It helps to keep your SSD clean and fast if you maintain a strict seperation between these filetypes.
Thank you so much for this. I genuinely appreciate you having gone into so much detail on my behalf *has noted*


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
I think there's a couple of things worthy of consideration in order to tackle the issue of expanding the game's fanbase.

In the first place, we have to acknowledge that a lot of people have provably already seen the game a couple of times in the LATEST UPDATES tab and quite often in the Latest posts/replies sections - the thread has been visited over 760K times (I don't know how many of them were unique users vs repeating ones). Of those not returning, they either didn't try the game because what they saw on the first post and/or thread didn't catch their attention or they tried it but didn't enjoy it.

Improving the renders of the first chapters may help retaining more users, since the first impression of a game is extremely important and nowadays most people expect very high quality visuals (or specific styles, but this doesn't apply here). But, to be honest, I think that if somebody didn't like the game it was mostly a matter of personal tastes, the amount of existing content at that moment or the game's rhythm rather than the quality of the renders. And that's OK, because, as an artist, you can't try to cater to everybody - it's impossible to do so and most times counterproductive to even try.

What I think you should really focus on is the first group: people who didn't actually try the game. So it's about marketing: without changing or compromising the game's tone or narrative in any manner, selling it in a way that it's more attractive to the typical adult game player (that can enjoy a narrative-driven game and/or fap to something other than a very specific fetish).

Once you have the new renders finished, I'd contemplate doing the following:

- While keeping true to Heavy Five's sprit, change the banner into something more eye-catching and sexual. Your game is surrounded by banners of other games with striking colors and suggestive images, you are competing with them for user's attention.

- Stress that you just released a remastered version of the first chapters with significant improvements. People who have already given a pass on the game without trying it may need an excuse to reconsider it again.

- In the description of the game, explicitly describe a couple of situations the player will find themselves in (such as having to land a failing spaceship with all odds against) or how the player has several different options to approach the same girl (Sarah and Chris are good examples). A video-game is an interactive experience, players like being aware of what they will be able to do.

- In the screenshot section, feature a good-looking render of each main girl in an evocative situation (personality and relationship-wise), a couple of general action frames and a couple of x-rated scenes. Avoid repeating too much of the same background (specially claustrophobic ones) and try to break colors in their order sequence.

- If it's not too much work and you don't feel too bad about it, consider presenting Becca in an even more sexualized hostess way (fetishistic costumes, sensual talk, an ongoing masturbation sketch, etc.). Sadly, a lot of people need sexual content from the get go and the tutorial and interludes could be used to satiate them a bit until everything unfolds.

Cheeky bonus track: add the "incest" and "ntr" tags to the fetish list. Make sure to add OPTIONAL before the second.
Slider, you're a star. :)

Thank you for taking the time out to share your thoughts in such a considered and meaningful way. There is a lot of good stuff here for me to digest and you make some very good points.

I'm grateful to you.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017

You asked in another thread about pregnancy tag.

Here is what you need to know about the tag.

""Pregnancy [The act of impregnating a woman or having sex with a pregnant one.]""

So if just impregnating the woman then yes it needs the tag.

Tag list for more info.
Tags Rules And List [Updated 2019-03-24]
a1fox3 thank you for the clarification. I recall the initial response was that it didn't count with it just being the impregnation aspect and so I'm grateful to you for clarifying this. Much obliged to you taking the time to drop in and correct that especially as you didn't have to :)
4.10 star(s) 68 Votes