Let's hope not. He is a skilled artist and a passable writer (with delusions of grandeur), but he doesn't get how patreon works.
He thinks he is so great that people should just say "Shut up and take my money," but nobody else thinks that and so he becomes offended and acts as if it's a personal insult he doesn't get the money he expects.
You don't need to be a genius to understand that there are two ways in which you can get support on patreon.
One way is that you are one of the lucky ones, whose game fills a niche at the right time and you get a lot of supporters in just a few months, the other one is to slowly build up reputation and garner support by providing regular updates with a fair amount of content.
The first one didn't work for him, because while his skills were alright, even with his first game, he didn't really offer anything new, just the same stuff a few dozen games have, but looking prettier and with better writing than most.
I still think, in the end this would have been enough to gain him decent support if he kept at it long enough.
But no, he constantly demanded (not asked) for more money, while providing slow updates with little content. Threatening that if he didn't get the money he decided he needed, the game would be abandoned.
And that's of course where his brain short-circuited, who in his right mind would support a dev who won't work on his game, unless he gets more money? Most people want something out of being patrons, they expect something in return, but this dev straight up tells you, you can support me, but if I don't get enough money, I won't work on the game, despite the money you give me.
The updates don't come, so he loses supporters, instead of getting the fucking hint, he doubles down and works on the game even less, constantly complaining about not getting enough to his remaining patrons and threatening to cancel the game.
Which of course leads to even more patrons leaving, because they are not getting anything but constant complaining and threats for their money.
I mean, he might not be insane in the clinical sense, but this approach has to be the most irrational and stupid attempt at getting patreon support I have ever seen.
There are people who support games solely because they want to help the dev, for his talent, but even those would of course see that it makes no sense to support him, as nothing would come of it. Unless they gave him a few thousands a month of course.