So here is what my Quest log says in the picture. Day 49. I gave Posters to all people (well Strange was not cooperating, but I assume it suppose to be that way) and even (loaded old save) tried doing it again in different order, but whatever I do i does not go away and does not seem to progress (I have acces to Tatsu admin panel and i can recruit two other girls, but there is no story progression with Tatsu since then and it was a while).
As others, I ran out of tickets to Gym. I think I might have unnecessary increased my strength to 2.33 instead of going for 2 Strength and 2 Combat, but if more visit than one extra to learn "new fight technique" is necessary, than cheating mentioned several times seems to be only option.
I just started the game on this version, so it is not any kind of incompatibility of versions.
So my question is, does anyone (without cheating would be best) was able to progress further on this build (0.8) from the start (meaning, no saves from previous versions)? Because some of discussion is clearly about content I haven't seem yet, and I'm even ready to start over from beginning if necessary, but I would need to know what to do differently and if progress is possible at all.
EDIT: so I tried a bit more with old saves and after maxing out combat at 3 there is no option to learn "new technique" so I'm unsure is it just maxing combat (3) or is it some other branch that i don't have access for some reason?