4.20 star(s) 15 Votes


Nov 10, 2017
Got into combat training. Trainer told me to hit her 5 times with power attack. Did that, then the trainer tried to kill me. Cant talk to her at all, cant leave the area, had to restart the game since idk anything about console. Somethings definitely got overlooked


May 9, 2017
to get cheats to work you first must Enable them as such enable_cheats then add the cheats you want as so you see it


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
i did get to level 2 and i keep going pass that . i been to level 6 in all dungeons. and i did read changelogs
My recommendation is to go to your saves and drag and drop your save somewhere as a backup and try it on a fresh save. Seemed to work for me. Keep the backup in case it is that and the dev figures out someway to patch in a fix later on.

Also, make sure you are resting afterwards. Maybe try that as a long shot. I noticed several things don't actually seem to work right when you forget to rest at camp, like the companion spawning and dungeon reset that happens after you leave and come back sometimes doesn't happen until you rest.


Oct 3, 2017
what is the cheats for exp?
get 1000 cash and get you a cuff ( buying in tiana shop village) and get a blunt weapon ( mace is good)take enemy down , tied she/him and let your team ( and you) fuck them, the best exp zone is goblin dungeon and lair


Oct 3, 2017
2 way to exp ( download the mod "temple" , buy the gaz flask ( tiana in village ) place you to the bord of the 1 and 2 floor but dont fall , throw the bomb and see the magic opperate ( work 2 time , after the 2 floor , the enemy is in the same altitude ... this is my way to exp ... someone have maybe better solution for you


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
I'm just gonna throw this out there in case you fancy save editing. Word of fair warning, as you'd expect, in no way is the developer responsible for any issues that might arise with its use, so keeping a backup of your save before jacking with it is highly recommended.

First, locate your save which the game has a builtin feature to do just that should you need. Just hit ESC and click on options and then select the "Other" tab to find it. This will open Explorer in the back to the save directory. You can close the game or keep it open, doesn't matter. You may have to hit ALT+TAB if the game is in windowed mode so you make the desktop the focus. Making a backup now, again, is recommended since you're already there. Then, right click the save file and chose to open it with a text editor. Any will do, even Window's own notepad. You'll be met with a wall of illegible text which is the save data, but it's encoded which is why it's unreadable. Then, open the file I'll link below and your browser should open to two box's, one for decoding data and another for encoding. Copy/paste the data into the top box and click on "Decode". The data will be decoded and shown in legible text in the bottom box. Copy/paste that into a new text document and now you have data you can (kind of) read and make you edits.

Take care especially at first as the data is still not formatted to be easy to digest or use. You may need to do some word searching to find things such as stats and inventory and such. Any incorrect data entered will likely either cause the save to not work until it's corrected or the save may simply ignore the incorrect parts. Note that some data may not exist yet because you haven't encountered something, such as companion data if you haven't ran into any or all of them. Either way, a fair warning to use at your own peril, but if you're familiar with this sort of thing, it can be a quick process. Once you're done with your edits, simply do what I've said so far in reverse...copy/paste your modified decoded data into the top box of that browser file, hit "Encode" not "Decode" to re-encode the data into the save's format, then open the save with a text editor and replace the data with your now modified encoded data, save the changes made and boot the game up again and see if you did it correctly.

Once more, use at your own risk, and keep a backup in case you mess up. The file linked isn't dangerous as I use it myself, though I didn't make it myself...take that for what it's worth though. If you don't believe me, then I'd play it safe in your shoes too. Have fun.


May 9, 2017
i fkn love it the woods is a great addition to this,im NOT bashing, so no comments from the peanut gallery thanks, the woods ruins it lets you into the place, but you cant jump out again he heee, goblin capture gets stuck on the quest, all you get is are you done yet , unless you restart the game, but you get the 500 and it sends you back. and the training ground will attack you some times, if you hit her too many times, very few bugs, other than mentioned, you now can open inventory any where and it does not pixelate on ya tho the woods is short, it is brilliant. havent figured out how to add outfits or respawn, it tell me i need uid dont know what that is,im a dumb fk, 60yr old fkr, but in time i thinks me will HA,and thank you for an awesome, fun, and interesting game, it is a true rpg sex game, that can keep ya entertained for hours, OH and i have had no crashes, freezes, or any other bugs in the new updated version,and i also have most of the mods added and it still runs great with no issues


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
anyone have a save file to share? deleted my save accidentally...would be a big help if anyone can help me lol XD


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
anyone have a save file to share? deleted my save accidentally...would be a big help if anyone can help me lol XD
Here you go, savefile for a game version 5.0.7...
... but all my mods are active, Futa Pack and Body Pack. So you will get a lot of warnings if they are not in place. But it should work anyhow (just save the game one time, restart and all warnings should disappear).
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4.20 star(s) 15 Votes