I understand the white knighting from the community but everyone should take into consideration the context we find ourselves in. We're on a porngame piracy site people mostly come here to find the next free wank material, already not the supportive types considering most folks are not willing to pay for the stuff here, with that mentality don't really expect too much compassion here, which is fine, it's expected as that's the nature of such sites and communities'. Taking that aspect into consideration, from these people's perspective, they see a project without updates for two years and are bothered by it, and they couldn't give less of a shit about the active forum participation by the dev or the community management aspect of it all, as to them it just comes off as procrastination. It's like when you're at your workplace just telling your boss "I'm working on it I'm working on it" and sending regular status updates to keep them contempt but not actually providing tangible results for a long time. Difference here is that the dev deliberately avoids announcing a deadline publicly so cannot even be called out for not meeting it, which just worsens the complainer's already impatient attitude. Entitled bitchy attitude? Yes, but again, we are on a porngame piracy site, we are all entitled on some level, some a bit more then others though. So you can keep telling every few days the unavoidable next person who asks "where's the next update, why isn't this abandoned" to read the thread as the dev is actively addressing the questions, it makes no difference to them, and I'm sure most of them read it, cus what most of them want is a hard-deadline for the next update or the thread to be marked as abandoned to satisfy their authoritarian needs. Why I wrote this down is that the energy put into by the community to complain about and police the complainers is way more then necessary, and they should just understand the above context and ignore the complaints, and also as someone mentioned a few pages ago, that the dev is responding actively to these queries which is taking up their valuable time, well, they don't have to respond to all of these as it's obvious that the community is more then happy to tell every single person asking about the status of the game what's going on and remind them to read the previous posts, so that's kind of a moot point.
With all that said, just to keep it on topic as well, my overall personal opinion of the game and Komisari is good. I've been following the project since inception, (second account lost the password to my old one and the reset didn't work so just created a new one recently, been here for the past 5-6 years) and I have to say I'm seriously impressed with how they learned to develop a game and the mechanics from zero, and the community management aspect, how active they are on the forums is remarkable. Story is fun, mechanics that were added were solid for what they were, scenes are hot and the content is a lot compared to some other games. As for Komisari, based on their forum posts seems like a chill down to earth nice person with a good sense of humour who handles the more aggressive or whiney complainers really well, so no issues on that end. The only criticism I can really come up with is what I mentioned at the beginning of the post regarding deadlines. I know it was stated that ETA will be announced one week before the beta is ready to drop, but that's the thing, with your update frequency you can't realistically expect users to all be contempt with this approach of "it's ready when it's ready" and not set up some self-imposed deadlines, even if you don't meet them they do serve as useful indicator of what to expect. Your approach would work with House in the Rift or Corrupted Kingdoms which have a frequent update schedule, but when you set a long update cycle on purpose, this can become a problem as you can see. Unfortunately, some of us can't keep a cool head when is comes to these things, as the entitled coomer pirates we are.

Good luck with the project, keep the updates and posts rolling and hoping you get all the emotional and financial support you need for this.