Considering how active on the thread Komisari is, it feels strange to see the 'Abandoned' tag... but thread activity isn't used to determine such, content updates is. In 4 months it'll be 2 years, and 2 months on Patreon. I hope the 'in works' stuff isn't faked to get Komisari's patreons to keep shelling out, and that HHG will soon drop the 'Abandoned' tag, but only time will tell.
There's a Dev company that has an online game, and once upon a time they released content updates every 18 months. They realized that was too long of a development cycle to keep their fans happy. So they changed their update format. They would keep working on small, med, and large projects, but instead of holding the smaller projects back until the big project was finished, they would release what was ready every 6 months. Every 18 months, we'd have the same content, but instead of waiting 18 months for 3 small projects, and one med and large project we'd get them : small update, small and medium update, small and large update.
However, unlike you, they're a team, not a solo Dev, and have millions of subscribers know there is an active Dev team even though it took "forever" for updates to be released. In the end, I guess, it'll be done when it's done... but only you, Komisari, can quell the naysayers... and it's very clear regarding the only way you can, you have willfully chosen not to.
I'm just glad I have neither gotten my hopes up, or held my breath. I'd be very disappointed if the former, dead the latter.