I didn't mean that it won't let a person put a large file on their servers, I meant it won't let a person download them. There was a file I wanted before that was quite large and even though I hadn't downloaded from Mega in several days, it wouldn't even let me begin downloading the file. They do limit the amount of data you can transfer from them in one day. I'm the only person on my network so bandwidth shouldn't be an issue. There aren't multiple people on my connection trying to download from Mega. I'm not sure if I'm just misunderstanding what you said, I'm sorry.Of course it's possible, but I don't know if there's much point. Mega doesn't limit file sizes, it limits bandwidth. It blocks multiple smaller downloads just the same as one big download. When you hit the end of bandwidth you can switch VPN to get it going again regardless of if it's one file or multiple.