If I could ask one question/offer one small criticism: Do you put manual pauses/breaks during the dialogue, like after commas and ellipses, for dramatic effect? Or is that something relevant to the increased amount of expression changes and images you're using? I felt like, especially in the opening section, a lot of the dialogue felt very stilted and jarring,
because every time it got halfway through a line
it pauses before displaying the rest.
Sometimes in places where it makes sense,
like after a comma,
but also sometimes
just seemingly at random.
The above is a little example of what I mean, but I don't think those manual pauses are necessary for most readers to understand, unless it's specifically tied to a change of character expressions or something else happening on the screen. If I see a line like, "Jimmy... what are you talking about??" I don't think a pause is needed after the ellipses, you can just display the whole line and I'll be able to insert the pause myself when reading the line.
I started a new game file just to see if it was always like that, and the beginning of the game definitely has a more natural feel to it without frequent pauses in the middle of lines, though there are a couple of times where it's used specifically for effect, and it works okay when it's infrequent like that. I don't know, maybe if you want to look into it, try and poll your audience somewhere if the pauses are distracting/jarring, or if it's fine and I'm one lone weird voice out there.