I made a few graphical changes. The main menu looked horrible, so I redid it.
Over time, I will create buttons and completely change the menu. But for now, this looks a little cleaner.
Another thing that I added was text without the background.
A forum member was kind enough to share his code, I imported it, and it immediately worked. This means that the textbox will no longer be in the way of interesting content.
No more need to press "H" to hide the textbox when it is in the way of the content.
I now have around 8500 words for the story. As content is being created, I will add it to the story. But now my question: would you like me to release content as I go, or wait until all content for the prologue is done? The latter will make the game feel more complete, while the former is easier and faster to release, but it will feel more empty. Let me know what you think.