It seems there is quite a lot of content now, so, I was wondering when the game is going to be balanced? I've been avoiding playing to much of the game until it's an actual game, not a furry hentai simulator, as not to ruin my experience by seeing all the content before it's an actual game. Like playing through a game with cheats, then trying to play it normally. It just isn't nearly as enjoyable. I think it would be a good time to start balancing the game, as it will save time in the long run. If you start balancing now you can seamlessly add new features and mechanics while keeping the game progression fun and rewarding. If you wait until the game is almost finished to start, you may need to completely change or remove features and mechanics to balance the game. you can still have a cheating feature for testing and those who want it, but I think The longer you wait to start, the more time consuming and difficult it will be when the time comes.