The problem is that the screen is too full with stuff that can be clicked or has a hover (mouse over) function.Not sure if this is a software problem or a hardware problem but I figured it was worth bringing up anyway since it does have an impact on game play. I'm running v0301 on android and I've found that when I am using a function on the phone that requires scrolling up (like the appointment/scene/event list for each girl) 99 times out of 100 the screen will not move. Instead I end up registering an "up swipe" which opens the main game menu, effectively leaving me unable to see anything on those phone apps that is below the bottom edge of the screen.
To scroll up, you need to put your finger somewhere where there is no clickable or hoverable thing underneath.
More or less impossible given how full the screen is. This is just how renpy works, so not really a glitch or bug.
To change it, I would have to create different screens for android with more space between the icons and clickable images, which is a lot of work and not very high on my "todo" list at the moment.
I could try to make the scroll bar at the right about 2 or 3 times as wide (on android) to see if that works better. The effort to try this would be much less.