Yes, if Joy tells a story, and we get a cut scene where a girl goes from ugly duckling to beautiful bombshell, that's doable.
However, to add a new girl, she needs: gift, hug, kiss, flash & grope with 2 images per action, just to get started. Each of those actions needs to be done for 3 swimsuits, 3 dresses, and 2 reception outfits. You want to double that for a before and after look. That gives us 5 x 2 x 8 x 2 = 160 renders just to begin. Add beach walk, pecs, weight lift, pull-up and drink with at least 2 images per action for both before and after and you need to add (5 x 2 x 2) 20 more renders. That's 180 renders per girl.
I think you see where I'm going with this.
Even to add one new girl may be too much work for the benefit.
Think how a Delizia fan must feel to see his girl have barely any content when Amy has 83 achievements. If anyone gets new material, shouldn't it be the girls with the least achievements?
Of course, Amy, Yvette and Heather are always going to be the most popular girls and, therefore, will get the most new material, but the developer always tries to sneak in some new stuff for: Ivy, Natasha, Renee, Delizia, Brenda and Lacey. Still these girls have less than 30 achievements. That's why they should really be the first priority for sneaking in new material.
Still who knows, a sexy story from Joy may be just what darkhound1 wants to add. After all, she is committed to making girl's wishes and dreams come true.