Dang I was for the most part enjoying this though your mc is a complete disaster, does he have bi polar, multiple personality, or some other similar mental health issue. You have him all over the place doing things that are mutually exclusive due to morals, principles, values. I get its a fictional story but seriously raping your mom in her office because in real life Isbella is hiding waiting to assault your mom. A co-worker at work drugs and tries to rape her. She already knew something was wrong before she passed out. She would wake up and piece it all together enough cctv's floating around in a hospital Isabella would almost certainly been recorded adding it to the tea. So really that is a unrealistic scenario you are just causally unfolding because I would rather my mom not know about Isabella hiding let her divulge openly your most valuable secret weakness to control your entire family cause he rather drain his balls now then protect his mom from all the bs hell that would ensue when that goes public. Which it would cause there is no way Isabella wouldn't tell who ever the doctor is she was banging in the toliet. Then to "blackmail" mc into raping his drugged mother for her enjoyment.Trash shit scene that would break mentally the mom when the truth surfaces. That her own son fucked her while she was roofied by a coworker. Honestly you need to sit down and hash out the mc cause you know I'm over protective of my mom, spouting off with high brow statements about the kind of guy he is, then have practically every encounter behave like he some low life that don't care about the women he bangs. Honestly practically every man on planet earth would have interrogated Isabella the second you notice her, she would have been standing up explaining herself when mom walked in. There is no other play for the son who cares so strongly, so deeply, he does things most sons wouldn't for his her. But again I'm going to protect the spy/assassin over myself cause Isabella is more important then having my incest found out, not even found out, hell you were like I'm announcing on the PA system of the hospital.