2.50 star(s) 14 Votes


May 22, 2017
ok i figured some things out while playing wen you hold right mous botten the interektebels light up but some quest items wont like John´s cash. wen you exidently click on jurlnel you can get stuck and have to restart the game so i wouled say you have to save a LOT. wen you cant see the dyolog anymore click midel mous butten then there is that bug and wenn you see that the dyolog is show in the pause then sadly you have to restart the game


Aug 2, 2018
Worst UI I have ever seen.
On top of that if sometimes if you click the journal you break the game, as all the hotspots are gone and you are stuck.
Same seems to happen if you try to go fast through areas you did already when doing a restart from the beginning.


Sep 3, 2017
Give the man a chance guys ;) This could be his first project and IMO it has great potential. Let him get things fixed and from there you can get a better opinions about his work, I mean most of you are not supporting him so why even bother shitting on his work.

Also FYI here some hints : Hold right click to highlight area, middle mouse ( save often ) and in my case most of the time when the game freezed due to task journal I managed to debug it by using middle mouse and then either clicking "Continue" or Saving/Reloading.


Aug 24, 2018
Well, I really want to like this game, but holy hell what a mess! Keeps freezing up and my save/load/continue options don't restore the clickable locations, so your stuck and have to exit and start all over again. If you do one teeny little thing at all out of order, it locks up again. Fix the interface and I'll be happy to give it another try.


May 7, 2017
Unplayable. Got stuck in living room cant do anything expect click on notebook or move sideways.


Aug 5, 2019
Idea is solid and the renders are very nice, as people have pointed out however there are quite a few bugs and most seem to be with the UI.

Speaking of UI, it's bad but could be workable if it wasn't for the need to move the scene around to find things(exits, items and so forth).

As for exits/getting around, just leave areas that function as navigation points highlighted. I'm guessing based on how it's structured that it's supposed to be a bit of a puzzle game which is cool but that should never really include how to move around a normal everyday house. (in a jungle, dungeon or maze, making it a puzzle to figure out how to get around is perfectly fine though)

If the scene took up the whole screen instead of having to move it around and then maybe make use of a zoom function of sorts to represent having to look closer in areas to find items and such, that would basically keep the game as it is while at the same time lowering the frustration of players and it might work quite well with current UI.

These are my personal ideas and opinions and should in no way be taken as demands but merely as suggestions that might be worth keeping in mind in the future. Or maybe not, it is of course entirely up to the Dev how to do things with their project.
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2.50 star(s) 14 Votes