Guys, stop this dick size bullshit. I'll address my reasoning for the choice of the dick size since so many of you are so worked up on this, as well as tits size since it's a related topic. In short, it's a personal preference, same as tits size. A lot of people have asked for bigger tits in this game, but personally I prefer small tits, or what I consider normal actually. All of the tits are actually the default size on the character models, so it's not like I personally tweaked them to be small, so they are as their creator intended. It's just that I didn't change them to be bigger.
Regarding dick size, it is a little different. First of all, there are pretty much only 2 dick assets (that I use) in Daz3d, and their controls are quite limited. One of them, which is the default one from Daz3d. I used it in some scenes, but it is a bit small even at the maximum length. The other one called Dicktator has a bigger range of size to choose from, and I used it in most of the scenes, but it has its own downsides. I don't really like its overall shape, and it can't use the character's genital textures, so it looks out of place. Each to its own.
There is also something I want to show, that is the difference in size when a dick is flaccid or erect. So in some of the scenes, when the dick is quite small, I meant to show it as flaccid, but it's hard to show that because a flaccid dick is more than just shorter. It should be softer as well, but all the controls in Daz are very rigid. In fact, for a soft object, you'd need physics simulations which Daz lack. I tried to implement a better dick in Blender, because I saw in many porn animations, people can make a somewhat soft dick, but I failed. I don't know how. Dick is perhaps one of the hardest things to get right in all of the 3d world, because it can change in size, go from soft to hard, reacts to gravity, twitch, swing, bounce and whatnot. Remember, the basic controls for every object in these 3d softwares are just moving, rotating, and scaling the entire object in 3 axes. It's a nightmare to get it right for dicks. Sorry I'm probably digressing here, but in many scenes you can see the MC having an average sized dick when he is erect.
The third point is that from a story point of view. I'd like to think that the MC is insecure in certain ways that motivate him to rape women. I wanted to make him ugly too but I can't stand an ugly MC. I think that when people can't get what they want normally, they are more inclined to get it by force. It also makes them more jealous of people who have what they don't. Hence, the obsession of the MC with castrating other men.