Leveling up each one of these women is difficult and also limited since the enemies are scarce and equipment is lacking, hopefully on the next update they'll fix this by having the enemies in each area respawn every time we go back to camp and that there's going to be a wider selection of equipment, the other thing that should be addressed is the element combat system, the game said that this one creature is weak to this element but when I changed companions and tried a skill/spell that deals that specific elemental damage it either dealt less damage or the same damage as if it was another normal attack; there's so many things that this game needs, like be able to forward dialogue during H-scenes to being able to buy and build checkpoints in areas so that we don't have to trek back to same area from the camp and also improving the base as well so that there's proof that the player is progressing and it shows. Hopefully they keep working on this game, improve some things in the game and have enough supporters and budget to hire artists to finally have its own CGs. But this just my thoughts and two cents about this game, I'm just rather hopeful that they don't abandon this game early in its development.