Ah, here we be again, soon to have another release. We have already added some nice lore stuff that will dig deeper into the depths of the school. What about the sexy stuff? Ah, yeah it’s in progress, soon you will have another scene! We have been steadily adding features, but we really should ask everyone which of the following is the most important? (We know, everyone loves polls!)
- Making additional money to have more bonus scenes (IE, like with Daphne) involving market items
- More minigames for additional content
- More achievements, Sonya is best waifu
- Continuation of the Ginny line, Ginny is bae
- Main plot, the rest can wait, get it on with the main girls already!
Granted, we will be doing all of the above, but we want to know where our efforts should focus first, ie what we can leave out if we don’t have enough time to make a release window.
So what to expect this release?
A new scene with a main girl.
Eaves dropping on classrooms
Tutoring follow ups involving the eaves dropping
New Abilities
Continuation of the dark path (Hermi and Daphne)
A new minigame (maybe!)
But now we must get back to work!