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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
What was it again? Was it not happy with the hair or the clothes?
There's gonna be a beach scene with Erynn, Iris and Alexis, this scene has 2 versions depending who you are dating, i don't know the specifics of what changes between them, but Nyx is unhappy with one of the versions... and announced plans of revisiting it.

I like the "Special Edition" or "Director's Cut" idea. It would certainly streamline the original release and get it done faster.

I don't think this has anything to do specifically with Nyx. I think it is an issue with how visual novels are released and accessed. There are only a handful of visual novel developers that release completed games. The rest release in episodes. Some of them prefer and allow complete early access, while others only tolerate it or are completely incapable of stopping it due to sites like these. That is where the problem lies. If we did not have a way to access these unfinished, unpolished works, then we would not really know what is going on behind the scenes. We would be unaware of how long it takes. Or how many changes it goes through. We would see the finished product and that would be it.

Speaking of my personal process here, when I am writing I may reach a point where the words don't flow or I just can't get a point across as I envision it. I write what I have and mark it for later review. I do not let it hang me up or stop the flow. When I am doing renders, I follow the same rule. I may not have the ability or even the assets I need at the time, so I make do with what I have and make a note to revisit it later. I do what I can to get a render as close to my vision as possible with the materials I have at the time. You would never know that if I did not tell you that is my process.

The same applies here with Nyx and other developers that discuss their process in developer logs. If she had not written, "I am not happy with what I made and will revisit it later," then we would never know. Creatively speaking, it is probably better for a developer to not share that information. But a sense of community begins to develop between creators and fans where we start to share inner pieces of ourselves, for better or worse. If I were giving advice to another creator, it would be to limit what is shared with the public regarding that type of internal conflict.
No doubt, how open she is about everything makes her planning failures obvious and open to criticism.
Not only what we've been discussing but how she changed the characters roles and everything else... being that open gives people(like me :cool: ) easy targets.
I still stand by what i said, if she's unhappy with the scene take some extra time and change what's needed now before release.

And also more people should consider going the "directors cut" direction.

Easy avoidable?
When i said "easily avoidable" i meant not siding with Ethan and helping Erynn would probably be a clear and obvious choice in game, i'm pretty sure it would be nearly impossible to fall into that path by accident.
The NTR panic crowd... that's another story, they are everywhere.

Someone just asked about seeing Erynn's sextape, maybe Nyx didn't feel like showing it(it's kinda degrading), but NTR fear can't be discounted (not that not showing images was enough for them...).
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
I don't think this has anything to do specifically with Nyx. I think it is an issue with how visual novels are released and accessed. There are only a handful of visual novel developers that release completed games. The rest release in episodes. Some of them prefer and allow complete early access, while others only tolerate it or are completely incapable of stopping it due to sites like these. That is where the problem lies. If we did not have a way to access these unfinished, unpolished works, then we would not really know what is going on behind the scenes. We would be unaware of how long it takes. Or how many changes it goes through. We would see the finished product and that would be it.
There would be way fewer VN releases, because most of them would be abandoned beforehand when creators realize how much work it is without "immediate" compensation in money and incentive to continue.

No doubt, how open she is about everything makes her planning failures obvious and open to criticism.
Not only what we've been discussing but how she changed the characters roles and everything else... being that open gives people(like me :cool: ) easy targets.
I still stand by what i said, if she's unhappy with the scene take some extra time and change what's needed now before release.
Personally I love that transparency. Better than saying nothing or worse making (false) excuses because no progress were made.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2022
Easy avoidable? The anti-NTR-brigade is weird. There is always someone who smells NTR somewhere and then complains about it. I've read the most ridiculous definitions of NTR and everyone insists their interpretation of NTR is the only correct definition. Nothing at all is avoidable. To be honest, I now consider the whole NTR topic to be a large-scale trolling that just wants to annoy the devs. Admittedly, I'll never understand how one can be so fragile that one can't stand virtual girls in an AVN if they don't date the MC and have another character as a partner instead. How gamma can one be?

Do not get me wrong. I have absolutely no problem with fetishes or kinks. If someone has the anti-NTR fetish, I'm fine with that as well as the NTR fetish. I just find it annoying that this particular bubble is bugging every damn AVN and making demands on the respective devs, which content absolutely shouldn't happen.
Remember that one time when a dude was so upset that Erynn didn't save her virginity for the MC even when he was gone for five years that he rage quit and deleted Intertwined? He complained that Erynn was "unfaithful" to MC, even though the dude she banged was her boyfriend at the time.

I guess for some folks, any whiff of an LI having sex with someone other than the MC counts as "NTR" even though that man is a boyfriend or husband.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
No doubt, how open she is about everything makes her planning failures obvious and open to criticism.
Not only what we've been discussing but how she changed the characters roles and everything else... being that open gives people(like me :cool: ) easy targets.
I think Nyx or just developers in general post about challenges of VN development because those updates are intended for patrons. Free downloaders gets to read it because it gets posted but the intended readers are financial backers.

It's up to the individual dev whether they share dev updates or not but I for one, is pretty impressed with how often Zero End dev posts regular updates.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
The fact that this is not a harem game is just heart breaking.
I don't agree with you I mean It's Silly I got a lot Of Games with harem ending But it's still silly it's Like
MC:hey Baby Your My Girlfriend
The Other Girl : wtf What About Me
MC :Your My Girlfriend That I want To see Nude now
MC : Your My Bitch I love You So Much Your ALL my Girls
(Me Watching This With Smile While thinking WTF is wrong With this Girls xD lol Jut For Gallary To Open Let's Have ALL)


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
No, it's not. There're plenty really good harem games here which are enjoyable because the story is made for a harem. If this story would go down this path it would destroy the whole game.
Once in a Life Time
One Of the Best


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
Remember that one time when a dude was so upset that Erynn didn't save her virginity for the MC even when he was gone for five years that he rage quit and deleted Intertwined? He complained that Erynn was "unfaithful" to MC, even though the dude she banged was her boyfriend at the time.

I guess for some folks, any whiff of an LI having sex with someone other than the MC counts as "NTR" even though that man is a boyfriend or husband.
I don't agree with him it's Not Ntr It's Just Sad that she didn't Save it For the one And all
And ofc This ONE
we All want it to be The MC
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Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2021
Dude, you just re-triggered everyone! :ROFLMAO:
I already want to kill this ass. And if the guy she was with knew it was being filmed, I want to cut off his junk and feed it to Ethan. I'm feeling generous so, I will leave it at that.
and then cut off Ethans and feed that to Zach for good measure
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Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018
It's not a path i would favor in my "main" playthrough, but it's certainly something daring to explore in alternative runs.
Wether because of attachment to the character or fear of the "WE ARE GETTING CUCKED(despite this being easily avoidable)" crowd, she went for vanilla.

I feel like this isn't the only example where personal attachment to the characters may have hurt the story, things like Layla taking being ditched for her sister without any issues felt weird and detached, Nyx can write better than this, i know, i've seen it... maybe comes from not wanting to see her characters looking like a crazy emotional mess that some players will make fun of.
For all the teasing that things will go balistic if these girls find out about each other, there's awful little fireworks.

I will also say that despite this game giving you the option to be a manwhore that flirts with every girl in town, it doesn't do it well.
When you are with a girl the game defaults to you caring deeply about this girl and not to "i want to get laid, and i will lie and deceive for it".
The sloooooow burns(and how patient our guy always is with it) aren't suited to a guy that just wants to sleep around.

The fact that Nyx herself says, "i'm not happy with this scene, it's gonna be released in this state anyways and i will change it at later date" makes it sound like poor planning, maybe re-address this now, do the necessary nips and tucks before releasing?
Not to mention she already hinted that there's one specific occurance on the MC-Erynn-Alexis triangle that she means to change from past chapters, and she said that after she had just released a reboot version...
For the enormous amount of 'Layla is jealous' shots in the game, I would have assumed a yandere-eque possible path, but she seems ok with just taking it after a while which is just sad, since she seems like good people.
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