
Apr 19, 2019
Some AVN manage to make a MC interesting or at least likeable, but Intertwined does not do that for me. Sure there are AVN with (much) worse MC but i usually drop them quickly.
Sadly cause you chose possibly the worst LI path that really works hard to make him into an asshole.

He's much more tolerable on Lexi or Layla-only path.

I tried Elena too, but couldn't go all the way so I excluded her from events at the bath tub party and stayed true to Lays, couldn't do that to her, especially not after I broke her sister's heart.

The beach scene... which one was that again? The one where Elena has to take care of her nephews? That had me facepalming and grinding my teeth, the guy is dating her friend, but just LAYS DOWN on top of another girl, his gf's friend... wtf?! Elena would've been right to knee him in the groin for that.
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May 8, 2022
I honestly couldn't take much of that shit before I quit and deleted it. The only reason I started to play it cause of the hot (but seriously crazy) OFC that then gives MC his daughter and disappears for no reason. The furthest I got was at the very start, the first night in pool house where the MC's sister ambushes and molests him. The characters are all so crazy and weird and the MC so weak and castrated. Made a BIT more sense when I realized dev was Japanese since their culture is so different and thus Western-looking characters with completely different backgrounds and culture threw me off. And the MC is supposed to be a cop, but acts like a weak indecisive pussy constantly crying and moaning.

But then came the killer. The one that made me throw up in my mouth and delete that garbage in less time than it takes someone to fart. I met Nanami. And wished I had never heard of that POS game in my life. I need to get my brain bleached.

Wait... GIRLS? Plural? I thought he had only one kid?

Roommates... yeah, exactly, his money gives him immunity. I've played the game to the end of current patch and there were so many cases where I was banging my head against my keyboard, holy shit. From rampant feminism and misandry to the fact MC sexually harasses his secretary from day one with unsolicited sexual comments, to females that suddenly multiply like rabbits out of nowhere and are all randy for him like rabbits, to other male characters that are all portrayed as sleazes or assholes without exception... plus so much other shit. Suddenly we go from a limited cast of 3 females to like 20. Are there really no men employed at that place except the builder? Every woman I know of that works in a female-dominated office complains about that fact and wants more men in the office, lol, but in this game it's estrogen overload. And then comes the newest arrival from UK who tells you plainly that she wants to be dominated.. I mean... what the fuck is that about?!

I liked Kari, but even after she went all "my ovaries are popping, I WANT A BABY WITH YOU!!!" crazy she still didn't feel like anything except a roommate, certainly not a lover or future wife with them having ZERO romantic or even affectionate interaction even when dating. Almost no sex scenes even when they woke up together, no cuddling, no kissing, no regular affection, etc. - all the stuff that you see in Intertwined organically. The only good thing except Kari were the tits of her smaller (but older iirc) sister, lmao.
I confess about playing HTL just for the renders no shame in that.

Roommates has humble renders and the story is pushing into idiocy.
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Apr 19, 2019
I confess about playing HTL just for the renders no shame in that.

Roommates has humble renders and the story is pushing into idiocy.
Yeah, the HTL main crazy girl whose name I forgot was hot. The sister would also be hot if her tats didn't make her look like some $10 hooker. The rest were just... there, lmao, nothing more to say.

Roommates... honestly the only thing that kept me going with that shit was Kari, the redheaded roommate girl (who really needs a new hair style, she's stuck in 1940/50s). Story, as you rightfully said, is deep into idiocy. One of the things that annoys the fuck outta me is how hard the dev is pushing the secretary onto the player. I really didn't want to have anything to do with her, was determined MC was to stay true to Kari, but dev didn't seem to take no as an answer. Also, another thing that pissed me off is that you get punished with negative points and other shit for some dialog options that are neutral or are not simping.
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May 8, 2022
Yeah, the HTL main crazy girl whose name I forgot was hot. The sister would also be hot if her tats didn't make her look like some $10 hooker. The rest were just... there, lmao, nothing more to say.

Roommates... honestly the only thing that kept me going with that shit was Kari, the redheaded roommate girl (who really needs a new hair style, she's stuck in 1940/50s). Story, as you rightfully said, is deep into idiocy. One of the things that annoys the fuck outta me is how hard the dev is pushing the secretary onto the player. I really didn't want to have anything to do with her, was determined MC was to stay true to Kari, but dev didn't seem to take no as an answer. Also, another thing that pissed me off is that you get punished with negative points and other shit for some dialog options that are neutral or are not simping.
Show me the dotted line to sign.

I like the tats crazy bitch,for her bitchy atitude mostly.
in Roommates the Greek alphabet girls subplot. "We serve S2" made me smile like a doofus in retrospect,but as always the sideplot is dead. Better yet Why that exists? Just impregnate the sisters ffs!


Apr 19, 2019
Just impregnate the sisters ffs!
Only with the very last patch (that adds like 5 min of contents) can you actually get started on that with the huge-tits sister after over 70 days of ingame and like 30 hours of playing. Don't think we will ever see the result of this plot though lol, Louis will probably kill all the sisters and kidnap the babies to be hers. :LOL:


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
I didn't meant replaced physically, i meant in term of how idiotically clueless and oblivious the MC was during that dialogue with Elena despite how heavy her hints were, it's as if his brain had been replaced by Zach's ones.
Yes but give him a break in this situation.
Our brain would be mush in that beach date.

After some replays you can understand some hints she gave.


Sep 12, 2023
I want to say my opinion for Erynn’s behavior to Alexis.

We have some “clues” which may justify Erynn (even if I don’ t want justify her because I believe that you don’t behave this way you best friend).

Erynn says to MC (while he is sleeping and she holds his head): “Please don’t leave me again. Besides … I still owe you an answer. Do you remember?”

When Erynn is with MC and Layla calls she is thinking “Aah, not again… I need to stop thinking about him and other girls”

When MC returns from Alexis to Erynn’s department (and not follow Gabi’s path): “You like basketball, right?” says Erynn. “I do” replies MC. “That better be you answer in 3 years!”.

When Erynn awakes and see MC in her bed: She kisses him and says “Sorry… I had to!”. And later when they leave department and MC hugs her (Oh… A hug.)

To the store when the saleswoman says: “I see you brought your boyfriend along.” And MC replies positive she smiles.

When Erynn see the Alexis nude photo: “She wouldn’t, right?”

To the bar Erynn says to Alexis: “You know how I feel about him”. “I came to you to talk about him so many times. That I miss him. That I can’t wait to finally see him again”.

After MC meets Alexis to pizzeria Alexis says: “I can’t even count the hours she talked about you. The moment she found out you were back, she… You just had to see it.”

When MC and Erynn meets and talk about the confession: “To be honest, I was a bit embarrassed but I really liked it actually”.

When MC mentions his relationship with Alexis: “But, I like her.” Erynn thinks (I like you too…)

When Erynn visits MC to ride him to school she thinks “I like being in your arms”

To the photoshoot: Two times have desire look to MC.

After photoshoot when looking the sea and MC holds her up she mentions: “I like this view too” (while looking MC).

When they return to MC’s house:

Using the bear technique even when MC catches her butt.

When MC kisses her and goes to her mother’s house she touches her lips.

For these (and maybe some other points) I believe that Erynn has feelings for MC and that’s the reasons she behaves this way to Alexis.

PS. If we are not at Alexis paths there are more.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
I want to say my opinion for Erynn’s behavior to Alexis.

We have some “clues” which may justify Erynn (even if I don’ t want justify her because I believe that you don’t behave this way you best friend).

Erynn says to MC (while he is sleeping and she holds his head): “Please don’t leave me again. Besides … I still owe you an answer. Do you remember?”

When Erynn is with MC and Layla calls she is thinking “Aah, not again… I need to stop thinking about him and other girls”

When MC returns from Alexis to Erynn’s department (and not follow Gabi’s path): “You like basketball, right?” says Erynn. “I do” replies MC. “That better be you answer in 3 years!”.

When Erynn awakes and see MC in her bed: She kisses him and says “Sorry… I had to!”. And later when they leave department and MC hugs her (Oh… A hug.)

To the store when the saleswoman says: “I see you brought your boyfriend along.” And MC replies positive she smiles.

When Erynn see the Alexis nude photo: “She wouldn’t, right?”

To the bar Erynn says to Alexis: “You know how I feel about him”. “I came to you to talk about him so many times. That I miss him. That I can’t wait to finally see him again”.

After MC meets Alexis to pizzeria Alexis says: “I can’t even count the hours she talked about you. The moment she found out you were back, she… You just had to see it.”

When MC and Erynn meets and talk about the confession: “To be honest, I was a bit embarrassed but I really liked it actually”.

When MC mentions his relationship with Alexis: “But, I like her.” Erynn thinks (I like you too…)

When Erynn visits MC to ride him to school she thinks “I like being in your arms”

To the photoshoot: Two times have desire look to MC.

After photoshoot when looking the sea and MC holds her up she mentions: “I like this view too” (while looking MC).

When they return to MC’s house:

Using the bear technique even when MC catches her butt.

When MC kisses her and goes to her mother’s house she touches her lips.

For these (and maybe some other points) I believe that Erynn has feelings for MC and that’s the reasons she behaves this way to Alexis.

PS. If we are not at Alexis paths there are more.
You nailed the Erynn loves Mc perfectly.

But for some this ship has sailed and the endearing way the story portray her affection just fuels even more the dislike some have. How could she drop the ball and never tried to call, write, beg her mother to go visit with her in a bullshit excuse in why to mend the hurt.

That baby blue eyes can't fool me again.
Edit #

And her redemption arc is you helping make right her mistakes. Boy this girl is emotionally expensive to romance.

The only solution for this conundrum is fucking it up with Alexis/Layla and being rejected by some route. Then going back to her waiting arms. #
Last edited:


Sep 12, 2023
You nailed the Erynn loves Mc perfectly.

But for some this ship has sailed and the endearing way the story portray her affection just fuels even more the dislike some have. How could she drop the ball and never tried to call, write, beg her mother to go visit with her in a bullshit excuse in why to mend the hurt.

That baby blue eyes can't fool me again.
Edit #

And her redemption arc is you helping make right her mistakes. Boy this girl is emotionally expensive to romance.

The only solution for this conundrum is fucking it up with Alexis/Layla and being rejected by some route. Then going back to her waiting arms. #
I prefer Alexis or Layla's path from a (possible) Erynn's path. But, I believe she has feelings for MC, even if she lost her opportunity!


Sep 12, 2023

MC mentions to Alexis in airplane that he didn’t see his mother for 5 years because “I was so angry that she ‘d sent me away.”
“Mom wanted to come to visit me many times. But every time, I pretended to still be angry and that I didn’t want to see her. I used her as me scapegoat.”
“We only talked a few times over phone”.

For Erynn says: “She wrote me a few letters the first couple of months, but I never read them. I tore and threw them away”. “But back then, I just didn’t want to hear from her.”

When talking with Erynn to the bench, Erynn says:
“Why didn’t you ask me? I tried to talk to you afterwards, but you just ignored me all the time”.
“And then a few days later, you were gone. I tried to call you, but you never answered. I even asked your mom and she told me that you won’t even take her calls.”
“I wrote you letters, but never got one back”. “What else could I have done?”

We can't accuse a 16 years old child when she never get a feedback.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022

MC mentions to Alexis in airplane that he didn’t see his mother for 5 years because “I was so angry that she ‘d sent me away.”
“Mom wanted to come to visit me many times. But every time, I pretended to still be angry and that I didn’t want to see her. I used her as me scapegoat.”
“We only talked a few times over phone”.

For Erynn says: “She wrote me a few letters the first couple of months, but I never read them. I tore and threw them away”. “But back then, I just didn’t want to hear from her.”

When talking with Erynn to the bench, Erynn says:
“Why didn’t you ask me? I tried to talk to you afterwards, but you just ignored me all the time”.
“And then a few days later, you were gone. I tried to call you, but you never answered. I even asked your mom and she told me that you won’t even take her calls.”
“I wrote you letters, but never got one back”. “What else could I have done?”

We can't accuse a 16 years old child when she never get a feedback.
Beg her mom to go when Mc had a birthday or something.

Is not that difficult! If she kept asking she would get it. But the drama can't have it.

Or Erynn is in love for some reason and would tried till she collapses or was only puppy love that would be forgotten so. Don't sell me old pastries
One or another.


Sep 12, 2023
Beg her mom to go when Mc had a birthday or something.

Is not that difficult! If she kept asking she would get it. But the drama can't have it.

Or Erynn is in love for some reason and would tried till she collapses or was only puppy love that would be forgotten so. Don't sell me old pastries
One or another.
I just didn’t want to hear from her. That's MC's words. So for how long should someone knock a close door?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
I just didn’t want to hear from her. That's MC's words. So for how long should someone knock a close door?
You know ignoring a call is easy a visit is another beast. She crying with those big blue eyes. Mc would cave, anyone would.

A call is effortless, a trip is energy in motion. Is different don't you think?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
I don't know how you really want a 16 old girl to just travel for someone who shuts his own mother at that moment why would Mel send her if she's not sure her daughter will find a place to stay in
Its a risk and if the door is closed just come back home with mother.
But redacted / still allowing then outside is a stretch. Being a brat is easy when not confronted.

You guys talk like never did a crazy things when young ffs.
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