Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
Now that we know about Zane, I am even more confused about the Erynn / Alexis conversation at the end of episode 5.

er "We used to tell each other everything! And now I found out about this?"
er "You know how I feel about him."
er "I came to you to talk about him so many times. That I miss him. That I can't wait to finally see him again."
er "I even told you 2 days ago that he's back."
er "But you knew that already for quite a while, right? And didn't say a word."
a "Uhm..."
er "Yeah. I saw the pictures. I know what you have been up to."
er "You even lied about the concert."

Erynn has had zero contact with the MC for 5 years (and she has had a boyfriend with who she had a sexual relationship with during that time).

The conversation would make some sense without Erynn talking about her feelings for the MC, as they used to tell each other everything and now Alexis is not only not telling her things, but is lying about what she is doing.

But then Alexis possibly acted like that (or why the secrecy) because she knew about Erynn's feelings, but where did these feelings magically come from and when did they start (as they didn't stop Erynn from getting involved with Zane)
Erynn supposedly likes (or loves) the MC so much that Alexis felt she had to keep her and MC a secret but it was OK for Erynn to get involved with someone else.
With what we know now, it seems like so much unnecessary drama, and Alexis should have just said 'Remember MC, ... well we meet on the plane and I have been seeing him since then'

Erynn bringing up Alexis sleeping with Ethan was weird then (and even stranger now that we know about the blackmail)

For friends that used to tell each other everything, I assume that means that Alexis knows all about Zane and Ethan's blackmail (otherwise Erynn is a bit of a hypocrite for using that statement).
It is a bit weird because 5 years ago Erynn liked the MC like a little brother, and it's totally normal that she wants her little brother back... and even though he professed his love for her back then she doesn't know wether that will hold the next time they meet.
She also can't know that she's gonna get and hot and bothered in the presence of the older MC.

It would be weird if during those 5 years she was saying "i love him and i want to marry him" or other crazy shit to Alexis.
When Melissa teases her she denies that she wants any kind of romantic relationship with the MC... perhaps lying to herself at that point.
At best she knows that the confession and her non-reaction to it, might come up again in the future.
Maybe once she sees him and starts to get reacquainted she wants it to come up again, but not before...
But Alexis (perhaps wisely) seems to think that there's more than "childhood friend" in Erynn towards the MC.

Zane is a non-issue, wether she was in love with the MC or not, he was gone with no signs of a comeback, she had to try and move on...

Alexis apparently is clueless about Ethan and Erynn current status, when you bring him up in the most recent date all she knew is that they see each other from time to time but aren't dating.
Unless you know, lying again.

Both girls might be playing a little fast and loose with the truth...
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Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Now that we know about Zane, I am even more confused about the Erynn / Alexis conversation at the end of episode 5.

er "We used to tell each other everything! And now I found out about this?"
er "You know how I feel about him."
er "I came to you to talk about him so many times. That I miss him. That I can't wait to finally see him again."
er "I even told you 2 days ago that he's back."
er "But you knew that already for quite a while, right? And didn't say a word."
a "Uhm..."
er "Yeah. I saw the pictures. I know what you have been up to."
er "You even lied about the concert."

Erynn has had zero contact with the MC for 5 years (and she has had a boyfriend with who she had a sexual relationship with during that time).

The conversation would make some sense without Erynn talking about her feelings for the MC, as they used to tell each other everything and now Alexis is not only not telling her things, but is lying about what she is doing.

But then Alexis possibly acted like that (or why the secrecy) because she knew about Erynn's feelings, but where did these feelings magically come from and when did they start (as they didn't stop Erynn from getting involved with Zane)
Erynn supposedly likes (or loves) the MC so much that Alexis felt she had to keep her and MC a secret but it was OK for Erynn to get involved with someone else.
With what we know now, it seems like so much unnecessary drama, and Alexis should have just said 'Remember MC, ... well we meet on the plane and I have been seeing him since then'

Erynn bringing up Alexis sleeping with Ethan was weird then (and even stranger now that we know about the blackmail)

For friends that used to tell each other everything, I assume that means that Alexis knows all about Zane and Ethan's blackmail (otherwise Erynn is a bit of a hypocrite for using that statement).
Unrequited love, or at least love you believe to be unrequited, doesn't preclude someone from being able to like or even love someone else. Erynn can have a childhood crush on the MC and a desire to see if that could become more and yet date someone else. She tried to contact the MC after he left but the MC kept his distance. Do you really think that she should just wait for the MC to eventually come back and sweep her off her feet?

Alexis could have felt that her dating the MC would cause Erynn to be angry, jealous, and hurt. So instead of just walking up to her and saying "Hey I'm dating MC, remember him?", I am sure she was trying to figure out some way to tell Erynn that didn't sound like an utter betrayal of their friendship. The problem is that there wasn't a way to do that. She betrayed her friend's trust because SHE had a thing for the MC too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Nah, I don't think Erynn or Lexi slept with him. Lexi doesn't seem to be too friend with Ethan and if a guy needs to blackmail a girl to sleep, his words aren't reliable. So, if he says he slept with Lexi and she says she didn't sleep, I believe in Lexi. The same goes to Erynn. Nothing that asshole says I will believe. I can be wrong? Maybe, but for me, until he can prove his words (about sleeping with Lexi or Erynn), he is lying.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2020
Unrequited love, or at least love you believe to be unrequited, doesn't preclude someone from being able to like or even love someone else. Erynn can have a childhood crush on the MC and a desire to see if that could become more and yet date someone else. She tried to contact the MC after he left but the MC kept his distance. Do you really think that she should just wait for the MC to eventually come back and sweep her off her feet?

Alexis could have felt that her dating the MC would cause Erynn to be angry, jealous, and hurt. So instead of just walking up to her and saying "Hey I'm dating MC, remember him?", I am sure she was trying to figure out some way to tell Erynn that didn't sound like an utter betrayal of their friendship. The problem is that there wasn't a way to do that. She betrayed her friend's trust because SHE had a thing for the MC too.
Agreed! Erynn wouldn't stay single for 5-6 years just waiting MC, a guy who doesn't reply her for years, without knowing if he could or not come back. She has all the right to move her life on. It isn't a crime you are in love for someone e for some reason start a relationship with another person.


Jan 29, 2018
Now that we know about Zane, I am even more confused about the Erynn / Alexis conversation at the end of episode 5.

er "We used to tell each other everything! And now I found out about this?"
er "You know how I feel about him."
er "I came to you to talk about him so many times. That I miss him. That I can't wait to finally see him again."
er "I even told you 2 days ago that he's back."
er "But you knew that already for quite a while, right? And didn't say a word."
a "Uhm..."
er "Yeah. I saw the pictures. I know what you have been up to."
er "You even lied about the concert."

Erynn has had zero contact with the MC for 5 years (and she has had a boyfriend with who she had a sexual relationship with during that time).

The conversation would make some sense without Erynn talking about her feelings for the MC, as they used to tell each other everything and now Alexis is not only not telling her things, but is lying about what she is doing.

But then Alexis possibly acted like that (or why the secrecy) because she knew about Erynn's feelings, but where did these feelings magically come from and when did they start (as they didn't stop Erynn from getting involved with Zane)
Erynn supposedly likes (or loves) the MC so much that Alexis felt she had to keep her and MC a secret but it was OK for Erynn to get involved with someone else.
With what we know now, it seems like so much unnecessary drama, and Alexis should have just said 'Remember MC, ... well we meet on the plane and I have been seeing him since then'

Erynn bringing up Alexis sleeping with Ethan was weird then (and even stranger now that we know about the blackmail)

For friends that used to tell each other everything, I assume that means that Alexis knows all about Zane and Ethan's blackmail (otherwise Erynn is a bit of a hypocrite for using that statement).
The entire Erynn situation is really complicated. I just hope it doesn't get too convoluted, because it seems every update piles more and more problems into her. I'm not gonna lie, i don't get her fascination with the MC, at least not the romantic one. If she was just missing him because she loved him like a little brother, things would make more sense, but the way she talks about it, it's like she was carrying this crush for a kid for five long years, including all of High School and the start of college. This isn't healthy.

I say this because the last time they saw each other, he was still just a kid, while she was a teen. Anyway, i don't really care too much about the Zane guy because, he was alway for 5 years. She has her life, and it's good that she wasn't living it in hope that an idealized someone came back after ghosting her for that much time. Heh, now i remember Lord of The Rings... I think Erynn is in love with the ideal of the MC, that innocent love he showed when he was a kid. She isn't in love with the man, because she barely knows him.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
Unrequited love, or at least love you believe to be unrequited, doesn't preclude someone from being able to like or even love someone else. Erynn can have a childhood crush on the MC and a desire to see if that could become more and yet date someone else. She tried to contact the MC after he left but the MC kept his distance. Do you really think that she should just wait for the MC to eventually come back and sweep her off her feet?

Alexis could have felt that her dating the MC would cause Erynn to be angry, jealous, and hurt. So instead of just walking up to her and saying "Hey I'm dating MC, remember him?", I am sure she was trying to figure out some way to tell Erynn that didn't sound like an utter betrayal of their friendship. The problem is that there wasn't a way to do that. She betrayed her friend's trust because SHE had a thing for the MC too.
I do not expect that Erynn should have just waited for the MC (and I would actually be a bit disappointed if she had).
I think that is makes Erynn's character more believable that she had at least one relationship in the five years, but then she has no right to feel angry or hurt if the MC gets into a relationship with someone else.
Maybe Alexis was feeling guilty because she also had a crush on the MC but never said anything about it.
I think Alexis had every right to to get involved with the MC, and her only fault was trying to keep it a secret (she should have explained who she was before they had sex on the plane and then the MC would have been able to make a proper decision).
Jul 5, 2019
After seeing that last shot of Erynn after she drops MC off at school, I've got a strong feeling she's gonna do something that makes things worse.

He's out of town for a few days. I'm guessing she's gonna try and fix things herself, and nothing good will come of this.

Or maybe I'm reading it wrong and she's going to go come clean to Melissa, and get some help. But that's possibly the less dramatic option, so less likely.;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
After seeing that last shot of Erynn after she drops MC off at school, I've got a strong feeling she's gonna do something that makes things worse.

He's out of town for a few days. I'm guessing she's gonna try and fix things herself, and nothing good will come of this.

Or maybe I'm reading it wrong and she's going to go come clean to Melissa, and get some help. But that's possibly the less dramatic option, so less likely.;)
I didn't interpret it in this way, she didn't seem pensive just very sad...
Imo the MC notices that she doesn't wanna be alone, his presence, getting involved in his daily routine, was what was keeping her from drowning in her sadness, after he goes in she finally has to go back to her life and that makes her sad.

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Jul 5, 2019
I didn't interpret it in this way, she didn't seem pensive just very sad...
Imo the MC notices that she doesn't wanna be alone, his presence, getting involved in his daily routine, was what was keeping her from drowning in her sadness, after he goes in she finally has to go back to her life and that makes her sad.

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I can see that maybe. It's possible I've just been trained to always expect everything to keep escalating. Guess we'll see in a few months.


Nov 30, 2020
Layla and Nikki/Cara so far are the 2 routes that dont seem have have any negatives involved. Cant wait to see who was on the plane. I have Alexis and Erwynn routes saved but so far they both have some questions that need answered for me to trust them.


Jun 6, 2018
My two main playthroughs are Alexis/Erynn/Nikki, and Layla/Elena/Cara. After Ep. 7, I had to split the first in 2: Alexis/Nikki, and Erynn/Nikki (continuing the original for drama :eek:). I believe Nikki and Cara will be sharing scenes with the other girls sooner or later. More splits are coming :).


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021

Don't be so hard on yourself, MC. There's pretty much nothing you can do to prevent this from happening. :ROFLMAO:

Mr. Hero

Oct 7, 2017
I wish if zane was a girl!
Btw guys i think nikki is far prettier than eryn...and also should be the main girl of the game ❤

Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
If Santi really is Gabis husband (which i hope), that's the cherry on top of the cake :LOL:

Just imagine the scene, a angry Santi storms in Emilys house and shouts for their shitstain of a son, which is fucking his wife and knocked her up.
Emily which is completely devastated that her son could something like this, doesn't care at all for his bio dad and that their will never be a happy ending for Emily/Santi/MC.
MC which just comments, if u want to see how to satisfy ur wife, i have it here in 8k.
It would be glorious :love:
Shit, only way to make that better is to have that happen at school. MC's LIs are there, Gabi is there, Nyx can contrive Emily being there.


Mr. Hero

Oct 7, 2017
I am not gonna go for eryn cause she actually got fucked by least some one fucked her according to i am not gonna play for her...i am going for nikki ❤ ...who only got fucked by my mc only took my dick inside her mouth! ❤she is my main girl!


Aug 10, 2019
I am not gonna go for eryn cause she actually got fucked by least some one fucked her according to i am not gonna play for her...i am going for nikki ❤ ...who only got fucked by my mc only took my dick inside her mouth! ❤she is my main girl!
So you won't go for Eynn because she fucked her boyfriend? Did you miss the entire plotline about Nikkis ex boyfriend? Cause I'm pretty sure they had sex too...
Jul 5, 2019
I am not gonna go for eryn cause she actually got fucked by least some one fucked her according to i am not gonna play for her...i am going for nikki ❤ ...who only got fucked by my mc only took my dick inside her mouth! ❤she is my main girl!
Nikki should be even worse for you then. Zane is just a name. You actually see Nikki's ex in game.
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