After taking a closer look it looks like there are some frames where John's tattoos are very similar to the dude in the CH10 Melissa flashback though they are obscured they don't match exactly, but then in every encounter since then they completely different tattoos. The first time John appears in CH8 he has similar to Melissa flashback tats, but then in the CH9 Iris flashback scenes he has the heavier tattoos that he has throughout CH10. So I don't know. This might be a mistake. If it's intentional then ionno... Two Johns? Twins? Fuck if I know anymore...
It seems like there's a lot of inconsistency in "40 something John" tatoos by themselves... never mind the 20 something father of Erynn.
On some the eagle wings and the "Illuminati circle-triangle" (i'm not versed in these things, so don't shoot me) from the young guy and John are a perfect match, on others it's totally off...
The circle-triangle changes size and shape and the eagle wings come and go... I bet the remakes won't stop in episode 1 huh...
Can it be brushed off as "Melissa flawed memory"?
We already used this one with Erynn, Alexis and the MC all having very different memories of the backyard incident from 5 years ago.
The arm tats also change in between photos on Old John, the left arm doesn't matter the young guy still hasn't started there...
The right arm is not a good match between them both, maybe he covered it...
Is it funny to someone else that Nyx is changing the early stuff while creating fresh inconsistencies on the newest update?