
Active Member
Game Developer
May 26, 2018
your neighbor is a secluded farmer who makes weed which she then sells for money.
when you snatch her, it leaves her farm fallow. and that is rather wasteful. The place is totally secluded and your thralls should be able to farm it too.

I suggest the ability to permanently assign her a number of thralls to turn that place into an extension of your hive.
They can provide labor and protection. Not sure if smart enough to do the trading. But she could do the work herself with thrall protection.
Basically, just spend some thralls to switch her work status from not working to working and provide a bit more money.

Or... actually probably simpler is... forget about selling from her house for an income. That is too risky as it has strangers coming and going from a part of the hive.

Instead just put up a bunch of keep out signs and just have your minions use the farmland to provide an income of Drugs, Food, and Biomass.

Also, this game really needs an option to automatically do daily milking and daily missions.

Also, why are Cindy and Naomi almost never home? where are they even going every day. I see them maybe once a week.
Their mother is working for money. So she has reason not to be home. but they don't
I like the suggestions and will pass them on to the team; the game definitely needs a money making mechanic between the current options and the purchasing of some of the places in town (planned for chapter 3) like the old cannery. If possible, it would be cool to give the player the option between the weed farm, at the potential for the risk of exposure, suspicion, and attack, or just use it for a daily addition of biomass, with a smaller chance of exposure, suspicion, and attack.

Also we need to put the drug dealing parts into the game so that has a point.

Auto toggle is on our list of "To Do's" along with getting the UI fixed; it is needed.

Cindy, Naomi, and Midori are each "home" one day a week currently. This will be revisited at some point; it was initially set so they each had a "day" and we could work on associated events triggering for their days and then was never tinkered with. Similarly, a lot of the upgrades and tech were initially put in at various values, but have never been game-balanced for appropriate mid and late game costs.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 26, 2018
Bug fix version (team rushed this one, so hopefully nothing new broke; should fix the Tiffany issues, most of the problems harem.king spotted, and a few others the team noticed)
May 11, 2023
Is there anyway to remove suspicion in this game? might just be me but getting a game over and forcing you to restart or load an earlier save seems very punishing


Active Member
Game Developer
May 26, 2018
Is there anyway to remove suspicion in this game? might just be me but getting a game over and forcing you to restart or load an earlier save seems very punishing
There's upgrades that bleed off some suspicion; we have some events/tasks that will eventually be in that will help you take some off, though it's accumulation is meant to be a constant danger. This makes it a difficult balancing act as we want it to be a "threat", but we also don't want it to be crippling.


Oct 22, 2017
If the creator reads the comment section here: seriously change artwork. even ai art would be better than these little clips of porn.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Hurray an update.

Btw are there more working girls or still just only the beach house momma?


Active Member
Game Developer
May 26, 2018
Hurray an update.

Btw are there more working girls or still just only the beach house momma?
There's also a professor at the college who will work and add money. Eventually every girl will have an option to work, but some may come with trade offs or need you to complete certain tasks first. That's a whole area of the game that is yet to be fleshed out.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 26, 2018
Hey armyofrobots , do you have a rough estimate on the next update? No pressure, just asking.
Well, looks like there was a miscommunication on our team's side; I was out of town for business for the last week or so and another team member was supposed to be responding for this account; they did not, so our apologies there for the mix up.

Work is continuing on the next update and we hope to have a small release at the end of this month. We want to get back to a monthly release schedule, but we're trying to see if that's feasible before we make that the promised schedule.


New Member
Oct 13, 2021
The research to reduce suspicion isn't working in the new update. After researching the number doesn't drop.

Research for cave upgrade also doesn't seem to do anything.
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 23, 2023
Slow, though we just had a build for the next release; it unfortunately had some bugs and is being worked on, but we're hoping we're getting closer to a release. We're not making progress at the rate we were hoping, but we keep chipping away.
I wish you good luck and good courage for the future.
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